
What should farmers expect from the new tax law?

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There were established rates of the social tax for farmers, who apply special tax regime

Director of the Department of taxation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Zhenys Zhanbulatova at a briefing at the Central Communications Service informed about changes in tax legislation related to those who are engaged in agriculture. She recalled that currently breeding animals are included in the list of goods, the VAT on import of which is paid by offsetting. In the case of sale of such goods within 5 years from the date of importation into the territory of Kazakhstan, VAT shall be paid to the budget with calculation of the penalty. "Due to the fact that animals are not adopted to the climatic conditions, agricultural enterprises are forced to slaughter cattle for reasons of disease, mortality, leading to the forced payment of VAT. In order to support domestic agricultural producers and to increase the base of breeding cattle, it was offered to extend the exemptions from payment of VAT by offsetting in the case of forced slaughter or loss of cattle due to natural death", - said the expert.

According to representatives of the NCE, according to the amendments to the legislation, for peasant farms, applying the special tax regime based on a single land tax provided for the preservation of the application of preferential treatment during sale of assets, which were previously used by the farm in agricultural activities and during import of goods, for which VAT was paid during import or an offset method was used.

"In addition, for the rural consumer cooperatives was excluded the condition on the presence of the right of land ownership in order to apply the special tax regime. At the same time, there was established the social tax rate for agricultural producers, who apply the special tax regime: farms - 20% of MCI; legal persons - 6.5% of the wage bill", - said Zhenys Zhanbulatova.

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