
To avoid double taxation

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It is proposed to establish a zero rate of excise duty on ethyl alcohol in Kazakhstan

Director of department of taxation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Zhenys Zhanbulatova stated this in the course of a briefing at the Central Communications Service. The expert informed about the tax reforms in Kazakhstan. "In order to avoid double taxation for the same product from different subjects of the production chain: both alcohol producers and manufacturers of alcoholic products, it was suggested to establish a zero rate of excise duty on ethyl alcohol in order to increase the competitiveness of domestic producers in export of alcoholic beverages, sold or used for the production of alcoholic beverages. The current rate is 60 tenge per liter", - she said.

According Zhanbulatova, the draft law provides for a gradual increase of excise rates for a number of products from 2017 to 2019. So, in 2017 the excise tax on alcoholic beverages will be - 2000 tenge per liter; beer and beer drinks - 39 tenge per liter; tobacco - 6200 KZT for 1,000 pieces.

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