
Laws are good, but they have zero effect

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Why do the introduced innovations in customs not work in favor of the business?

As it was stated at the meeting of the Council on combating corruption and the shadow economy of NCE RK "Atameken" by the Director of the Department of Customs Administration Dina Mamasheva, state bodies do not properly explain the essence of the innovations introduced in customs procedures.

"If we talk about the state of the customs administration, in my opinion, on the legislative level all the problems have been solved quite well. The laws are good, there are excellent orders, instructions, and everything is there. But today, unfortunately, there is such situation when good orders and instructions do not work for some reason. That is, the enforcement of these orders is not controlled and the effect that we would like to receive is impossible to achieve", - said the representative of NCE.

As an example, Dina Mamasheva named the order to place all the government agencies at one Centre of Customs Clearance. "But NCE did not get any decree, so we did give our approval, we learnt about after its adoption. It is also not registered at the Ministry of Justice. No one has explained this order to entrepreneurs. As a result, the decree stipulates that the state bodies have to walk with this voucher in order to get it signed, however, this task was put on an entrepreneur, and an entrepreneur has one more additional document to run  around with. Delays increased to at least 8 hours, but today, on the contrary, we try to reduce it, all this is very critical. And good decree does not work", - explained the director of the Department of Customs Administration of NCE RK.

Dina Mamashev also pointed out to one more fact. "We built a great TLC "Continental Logistics"- at the level of world standards. But then we conduct a survey among participants of foreign economic activity and monitor results within two months to see if the conditions have improved. Unfortunately, the results are not encouraging. More than 60% of respondents eveluate the work of this center at 3 points out of 10. 70% said that, on the contrary, it is very complicated to work with Customs. 90% said that none of the established regulations are enforced at "Continental Logistics". 60% said that the risks of corruption has increased, and especially increased the speed of customs clearance. We will post the results of this questionnaires at the web-site of NCE and we will talk separately with SRC, but for some reason these schemes do not work, which we are trying to work on together with you, so that everything is fine", - said the representative of NCE.

In this regard, Dina Mamasheva suggested to the State Revenue Committee to resume advisory committees on matters of customs administration.

"Business does not know what is correct, the public authority does not explain. As a result, everything good that we worked on does not have an effect", - concluded D. Mamasheva.

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