
60% of business proposals are included in the draft of the Customs Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Entrepreneurs are convinced that innovations will have a positive impact on foreign economic activity

In connection with the signing of the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union in Kazakhstan, the draft of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Customs Regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" was developed from January to July 2017. Businessmen under the auspices of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" took an active part in the process.

The involvement of business in the development of the document has become extremely significant from the point of view of the final result. The Code drafted all provisions of the CC of EAEU, and fully covered the norms regulated by national legislation.

"This means that now for the implementation of foreign economic activities, business can be guided only by the national Customs Code. This practice of working in the EAEU area exists only in Kazakhstan. In total, the National Chamber proposed more than 500 amendments, of which about 60% were included in the Codex draft", - says Elvira Karimova, deputy director of the Department of Customs Administration of NCE RK" Atameken ".

The working group of the Mazhilis included 43 representatives of business circles of Kazakhstan, the coordinator of the business community was the Managing Director of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Dina Mamasheva. The Working Group held 20 meetings, considered more than 800 amendments, which are, as a conceptual, editorial, clarifying character.

As a result, the following conceptual amendments were supported from the proposals submitted by the National Chamber:

1) reduction of the term of the claims of the customs authorities for the collection of customs payments for small and medium-sized businesses up to 3 years;

2) reduction of the term for the location of goods under customs control for small and medium-sized businesses up to 3 years;

3) the exclusion for the owners of free warehouses, bonded warehouses, warehouses for the storage of their own goods of the requirements for the availability of loading and unloading equipment;

4) the exemption for persons carrying out activities in the customs sphere, the requirements for the submission of schemes and drawings of premises, facilities, territories agreed with the customs authority;

5) excluding the possibility of the use by the officials of the customs authorities of force, as well as the opening of premises during customs inspections;

6) expansion of the possibility for the entrepreneur to reinstate a missed period of appeal;

7) simplification of the order of movement of goods to the continental shelf and artificial islands of Kazakhstan;

8) simplification of the procedure for the arrival of goods on the FEZ "ICBC Khorgos" from the contiguous state;

9) no penalty charge on the amount of debt in the event of payment of payments within the time limit established in the notification.

All these amendments will have a favorable effect on the conduct of foreign economic activity. LLP "Eurasian Group" is assured in it. It staff expressed its gratitude to "Atameken" for its large-scale work.

"Let me thank you and stress the importance of the work being carried out by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. The draft of the customs code has been amended, most favorable for doing business on foreign trade transactions by participants in foreign economic activity. We wish the National Chamber success and further prosperity", - LLP the Eurasian Group said in a statement.

All these amendments will have a favorable effect on the conduct of foreign economic activity. LLP "Eurasian Group", which expressed its gratitude to "Atameken" for its large-scale work is assured in it.

"Let me thank you and stress the importance of the work being carried out by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. The draft of the customs code has been amended, most favorable for doing business on foreign trade transactions by participants in foreign economic activity. We wish the National Chamber success and further prosperity", - LLP the Eurasian Group said in a statement.

At present, the draft of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Customs Regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" is under consideration in the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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