
"Atameken" helped farmers of EKR to enter the Chinese market

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With this support, producers not only strengthened their position in the domestic market, but also began import to one of the world's most prestigious markets

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" offered to the Government of Kazakhstan to spread on the national scale the project on training of Kazakhstani people to the basics of entrepreneurship and the choice of a niche. It is proposed to use as the basis the already existing experience of regional chambers of "Atameken" in stimulation of business initiatives. As an example, the Deputy Chairman of NCE "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev at the Government meeting, which was held today, quoted the Munaily District of Mangistau region, where the pilot project "Bastau" was successfully implemented.

"We are looking for people who are currently out of work, psychologists previously working with them to identify in what kind of business a person should engage in. After determining the nature of the business activities, we send a person to study the basics of business, then we assist with getting a microcredit, and within a year budding entrepreneur is looked after by the staff of business support centers under the regional Chambers", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

If an unemployed person is not inclined towards entrepreneurship, and wishes to have a permanent job, then we help him with finding a job. If necessary, Kazakhstani residents study at a college or a training center.

"We offer to scale this program within the country by this scheme: first month is tuition, then the provision of micro-credit through the Foundation for the Support of Agriculture, or through other institutions, further cooperation of these people", - continued the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken".

Nurzhan Altaev stressed that "Atameken" actively share with budding entrepreneurs the results of studies of micro demand on the Kazakh products in the PRC, Russia. Positive results bear its fruit already. Only in the East Kazakhstan region the Regional Chamber "Atameken" united together 1500 small farmers, producing honey. "When we combined them into one cooperative, they created a market with approximate supply of 7000 tons of honey per year. The Chinese inspection invited by the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan inspected the quality of products, and now for beekeepers of EKR have got an access to a new market, the first batch of honey has already been sent to China", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

In addition, NCE "Atameken" offer to increase the volume of state order within the "employment program" for training of employees needed to domestic enterprises.

Experts of NCE together with the representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development conducted a survey of 7,700 large, medium and small enterprises. "This survey shows the need for specialists at the level of 134 000. This need is clearly identified in the current year. We have discussed it with the Ministry of Education and Science, i.e. technical colleges will receive the state order", - said the deputy chairman of the Board of NCE.

Great help rebdered 55 training centers, which were established with the assistance of "Atameken" at the enterprises for short-term training. Out of these, 21 training center is working under the "Employment Program." "These training centers were opened directly at the plants, where citizens get both theoretical and practical training", - said Nurzhan Altaev. "In 2016, 140 million tenge were allocated to the regional chambers. It planned to train about three thousand people. We believe that this is extremely insufficient on the nation-wide scale, especially in view of the instructions that the Head of State gave on September 9 at the enlarged session of the Government on the mass development of entrepreneurship", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

NCE "Atameken" offers to increase spending on the state order up to 3 billion tenge, previously "the matter was discussed with the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Social Development".

"We support your idea" - summed up the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintayev.

Zhanar Serdalina

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