
Hungarian experience – for Kazakh agrarians

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The Center of Agricultural competence of NCE RK "Atameken" and the Hungarian holding company “LacHolding” signed a memorandum of cooperation

“LAC HOLDING” is the largest Hungarian company, which brings together more than 50 companies. Holding has years of experience in agricultural projects, particularly in the training and retraining of personnel for the agro-industrial complex. The holding structure has highly qualified professional coaches, who have spent decades working in the system of dissemination of knowledge in agriculture.

Given the potential of the holding company in the development of Kazakhstan's extension service system in the field of agriculture, the Centre of Agricultural Competence of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" signed a memorandum on cooperation. "In the framework of the memorandum we are dedicated to the implementation of joint educational projects for farmers. Our goal is to adopt the international advanced tools of information support of subjects of agro-industrial complex. I think that this memorandum will strengthen Kazakh-Hungarian economic relations, in particular, the relationship of agricultural producers of the two countries", - said the director of the Center of Agricultural Competence T. Rakhimbekov.

In turn, the commercial director of the holding “Lac Holding” Dodi Petter noted that they focus on effective cooperation in the field of development and promotion of agriculture in the republic.

"Hungary has a good and even leading educational base in the field of agriculture, we have experts who have declared themselves seriously in the industry and they have something to share. I think, there is no need to dispute the fact that today education is the basis for all, whether it is agriculture or other activities. We are pleased to participate in this program, and we hope that this cooperation will further deepen the ties between our countries and will lead to even closer work in the field of agriculture", - said the Hungarian guest.

The Centre of Agricultural Competence is already working with the experts of “LAC HOLDING” in the framework of the state order of the Ministry of Agriculture on provision of informational support to agribusiness entities. For example, this year a Hungarian expert was invited, who specializes in "maize and wheat" László Hajdu, who took part in curriculum development (techniques) and seminars in this field, and has provided tailor-made consultations for Kazakh farmers.

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