
Seminars at the Center of Agricultural Competence - a dialogue with farmers

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Leading figure in Agricultural Sciences speaks about training: we parted as friends

The technology of growing calves, feeding cows with high genetic potential, rearing and production of highly productive herds - these three topics were taught at the workshops, which were held in the regions of Kazakhstan, by agribusiness experts. This time, farmers were trained by deputy director for scientific work of the All-Russia Livestock Research Institute, Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician Nikolai Strekozov and Kazakhstani expert - Professor Alidar Alentaev.

Guests from Russia highly appreciated the ongoing work of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" on improvement of the skills of agricultural producers at the Center of Agricultural Competence. "I was interested to take part in it. This is a very good program, it is properly designed. This is a good promotional work: training, proper explanation of provisions on rearing and technology application - this should give good results", - said Strekozov.

The expert noted that the Kazakh farmers are eager for such a dialogue, they ask many questions, they voice their interesting thoughts and opinions. "Communication is double: not only we talk, but we also listen to the farmers, trying to understand their problems", - he added.

At his seminars, a professor talked about dairy farming in Russia and problematic issues. In particular, they touched upon the issues of the economy and price parity products: the proportion of producers, processors, trade, product price. During the lecture they also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Kazakhstani breeds - what should be the intensity of cultivation, so as not to harm the body of a cow.

"The conversation was purely professional. In my opinion, the exchange of views was very useful. We parted as friends", - said Strekozov.

Kazakh expert agreed with a colleague about the activity of local farmers and the relevance of the discussed issues. "People come to the workshops with a great desire. People asked questions about sheep breeding, beef cattle breeding, horse breeding. Our theme was the technology of dairy cattle breeding, we have placed more emphasis on this. Another is cultivation of calves. Therefore, the subject of breeding bulls is quite relevant", - he shared his view.

Alentaev noted that from imported over the years animals to Kazakhstan, no heifer was sold. "This is a big problem. Therefore, NCE "Atameken" asked us to include the topic on cultivation, preservation of calves. This was suggested by the Chamber. The average figure is: from 100 cows in Kazakhstan we get 77 calves. 37-38 are heifers from 77, other – are bulls. And not all heifers grow to the cows, and not all will be good cows. Therefore, the theme of calf rearing and reproduction is very pressing", - he added.

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