
Why only teachers at kindergardens are trained for free?

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Member of the Presidium of NCE RK Talgat Doskenov believes that the rights of representatives of private child care centers are violated in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Astana hosted an international forum on the topical theme "Modernization of the system of training professional education personnel in accordance with the demands of society and industrial-innovative development of the economy". During the event, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" together with the educational holding "StudyInn" with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan held an exhibition on the theme "International Education as a tool for development of human capital".

The exhibition aims to strengthen partnerships with leading world and Kazakh educational institutions in the sphere of science, education and innovation, as well as providing comprehensive information on training opportunities in higher education and practical training at the enterprises of Kazakhstan.

There was also held a roundtable on the theme "International Education as a tool for human capital development", which was attended by rectors of the leading universities of Kazakhstan, representatives of the business community, the Association of HR-managers, different institutional structures. During the meeting the sides discussed issues of quality professional education, training and retraining, job placement.

 "In our country is not respected the constitutional principle of equality between private owners and the state. So, teachers of private child care institutions are not taught for free within the system "Orleu", only representatives of the state child care institutions are taught. It's not fair", - said a member of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Talgat Doskenov, speaking at the meeting.

He noted that the state should support the private kindergartens so that they create the best conditions for small Kazakhstani residents.

Doskenov also emphasized that schools in our country resemble a factory where everything is fixed by a "call". Representative of NCE said that it is necessary to develop creative thinking of children.

According to him, at 10 universities of Kazakhstan were created so-called supervisory boards, in which participate representatives of RCE "Atameken". "The bottom line is that today the business has to determine the development strategy at high school, because these graduates come to us", - said Doskenov.

The general director of the international educational exhibition "Education Abroad" Nazim Orsola also delivered a speech. "We held a meeting with representatives of NCE, and we have come to such an agreement, that we will provide additional services for Kazakh students. Currently, we provide paid and unpaid internships lasting from one month to one year", - he said.

Orsola noted the importance of the fact that local companies send employees to raise the level of professional skills abroad. "Regarding the exhibition, in my memory, this is the first time that schools and educational corporations work together. I am very encouraged by this fact", - he said.

HR-manager Urken Karakulov, in turn, complained about the fact that funding for staff education in Kazakhstan is allocated on residual basis. "If a company is facing financial difficulties, this sector is streamlined. The decisive condition for the economic health of the organization is the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Therefore, training should be at the forefront, because with the help of trained personnel it is easier to make certain organizational changes and to adapt to the new conditions", - he added.

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