
The successful tandem for the protection of business of Kazakhstan and Russian

- Atyrau Region
7653 просмотров

The cooperation, established between the Business Ombudsman of Kazakhstan and Russia, is already bringing fruit

This was reported by the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov during a panel session on "Cooperation in the sphere of protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan and Russia. Institute of Ombudsman".

The session was organized in the framework of the III International investment forum "Atyrau Invest - 2016". The Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Volgograd region of the Russian Federation Olga Ustinova participated in the work.

On 10th of June this year in Moscow Bolat Palymbetov met with Russian Business Ombudsman Boris Titov. The sides discussed aspects of cooperation in order to protect the rights of entrepreneurs of both countries. The meeting resulted in signing of a memorandum between the Business Ombudsman of Kazakhstan and Russia on mutual assistance in the consideration of such matters.

"Atyrau region, as you know, borders with Russia's largest industrial regions, both by land and by sea. This gives great opportunities for further development of the regional economy. Our government dynamically cooperate with each other for a long time. For us, Russia is one of the main economic partners. During the years of cooperation were created 6000 joint Kazakh-Russian enterprises", - said Bolat Palymbetov.

In business omudsmena words, often in the course of foreign economic activity of Kazakhstani businessmen in Russia there are problematic issues. Therefore, it is particularly important to further strengthen cooperation dvustoronnnego.

"Despite the relatively short period since the signing of the memorandum, there are already positive results of joint work. For example, to date, thanks to the business ombudsmen of the Altai Territory, Sverdlovsk Region, Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Tatarstan addressed the problem of Kazakhstani businessmen. This is very encouraging, "- said Bolat Palymbetov.

In turn, the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Volgograd region of the Russian Federation Olga Ustinova added that no appeal of Kazakh entrepreneurs is ignored by them.

"We have signed a memorandum, in which we can quickly solve any issues at the highest level. I would like to commend the work of the Kazakhstani Business Ombudsman, who effectively protects the rights of entrepreneurs. I think that with this support we will not tolerate infringement of the rights of both Kazakh and Russian businessmen that will promote the smooth development of their business", - said Olga Ustinova.

According to the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov thanks to the memorandum the Kazakh entrepreneurs will know that their interests are protected in Russia, and the interests of Russian business - in Kazakhstan. This will positively affect the development of business and further strengthen bilateral cooperation.

"Together, we need to remove all sorts of obstacles that impede business development, both in Kazakhstan and in Russia. The successful development of bilateral relations promotes interregional and cross-border cooperation", - concluded the Business Ombudsman of Kazakhstan.

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