
Kazakhstan – is an example of successful development of dual education

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Experts from different countries arrived to adopt the experience of our country

European Training Foundation in the framework of a regional project in Eastern Europe and Kazakhstan held a round table on the topic "Ways of interaction of business and organizations of professional education in RK" at the site of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken".

"NCE initiated participation in the project of the European Training Foundation "Education at the workplace". During the project, we visited several countries: England, Italy, and others. Having studied the foreign experience, we were convinced that we were going in the right way. The European Training Foundation noted that Kazakhstan is the most advanced in the modernization of vocational education. In this regard, they asked for our assistance and asked us to host the representatives of the neighboring countries and to tell them what activities we conduct. We agreed", - said the deputy director of human capital development of NCE Lyazzat Shonaeva.

According to Shonaeva, good results were achieved in Kazakhstan with the assistance of "Atameken" in the creation of production sites. So, today 1254 companies signed agreements with 314 colleges. 17,500 students were already assigned to certain manufacturing facilities for practical training.

Director of the representative office of the European Training Foundation in Kazakhstan Christine Hemshimayer spoke about the work on Torino process. "We together with stakeholders from Kazakhstan are considering how to develop a system of professional education. Very soon, in just a month will be presented an overview, which was written by colleagues from Kazakhstan from 2014. I wanted to emphasize one great result of Torino Process - an analysis of the development that has already occurred and what else is needed for further development ", - she noted.

The National Chamber jointly with MES since 2014 implemented the Road Map for the implementation of the system of dual training within 11 priority sectors, 95 specialties and 180 qualifications.

Today, 60 colleges signed agreements on the patronage with enterprises, 5 agreements on transfer of 5 colleges to patronage to industry associations (Almaty, Aktobe). In addition, 2 consortiums were created: Association of Entrepreneurs of service industry - Kyzylorda Industrial and Technical College (Kyzylorda region.) and LLP "Kazphosphate" - Taraz Chemical Technology College (Zhambyl region).

More than 5123 people were trained by the order of the enterprises, skills of more than 2,708 people were improved, more than 7826 people were employed. 87 workers of the enterprises of 13 regions were trained abroad.

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