
The tourist potential of Kazakhstan and Russia - is unique

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New possibilities of development of tourism between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation were discussed today in Astana

As part of the XIII-th forum of interregional cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation was held a panel session on this topic.

During the session the representatives of Kazakhstani and Russian state bodies, tour operators, associations exchanged ideas and achievements in the field of tourism market development, discussed the potential and possibilities for further cooperation between the two countries in this field in terms of development of integration processes in the Eurasian space.

Opening the session, the moderator - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva noted high potential for the development of Kazakhstan's tourism and cooperation in this area in between ​​the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

 "Our target group of problems - roads and transport accessibility, the quality of services in hotels, especially in the regions, information support of attractions. I think these problems are acute for both countries. On the other hand, the potential of cooperation in the sphere of tourism is very powerful. We are ready to do cross-border routes, to improve accessibility by launching charter flights and expanding the geography of regular flights and trains", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

She emphasized that now one of the most important tasks, which is set before the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, is consolidation of the joint efforts of travel agencies, hotels, catering facilities, airlines, shipping companies, to improve the quality of tourism products and expansion of the range of tourist offers.

Vice Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Timur Toktabaev highlighted annually increasing flow of tourists from Russia to Kazakhstan.

"In 2015, the republic took the 4th place in popularity for outbound travel of Russian citizens. Kazakhstan was visited by 3 million Russians. The most popular destination are Schuchinsk-Burabay resort area, Bayanaul National Park in the Pavlodar region, Lake Balkhash and Alakol, ski resort "Chimbulak", - he said.

Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Culture Oleg Safonov noted that Rosturizm actively uses integration tools for expansion the scope of Russian-Kazakh cooperation opportunities. Through the line of Tourism Council, CIS member states continue work on the creation of common tourist space of the CIS, in which Kazakhstan takes an active part.

"Holding of the forum panel session "New opportunities for the development of tourism between Kazakhstan and Russia" - convincing evidence of how constructive is the role of the tourism industry in the formation of the structure of the socio-economic relations between our countries, the implementation of cultural and educational and health programs for the population", - said Oleg Safonov.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "NC" Astana EXPO-2017" Erbol Shormanov, talking about the preparations for the International specialized exhibition in Kazakhstan, said that 103 countries and 17 international organizations, including Russia have confirmed their participation in this event. The Russian pavilion is one of the largest in area and covers over a thousand square meters.

The Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Orenburg region, Oleg Pivunov noted the role of the revival of the Great Silk Road in the development of small and medium business, service industry, tourism in Kazakhstan and Russia.

"The international auto corridor "Western Europe - Western China" will run through the Orenburg region. There is an  idea to create an international auto tourist cluster "Silk Road". Globally, the revival of the Great Silk Road and the creation on its base of international tourist automobile cluster will serve as a driving force for the development of international relations, the creation of public-private partnerships and investment projects. The tourist does not see the boundaries of municipalities, regions and states. Silk Road – is an indivisible cultural space. The possibilities that opens up the Silk Road allow to implement unique strategy of promotion of interesting tourist programs, inter-regional development concepts of economic infrastructure projects ", - said Oleg Pivunov.

During the panel session, was signed a Memorandum on cooperation in the development of the tourism industry between akimat of West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Orenburg region of the Russian Federation; Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of tourism between LLP "Astana Convention Bureau” of Akimat of Astana city and the State Institution of the Sverdlovsk region "Centre of tourism development of the Sverdlovsk region", the Memorandum on cooperation in the sphere of tourism between the LLP "Astana Convention Bureau" and the Altai Regional Tourism Association, and the Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of tourism between LLP "Astana Convention Bureau" and the State autonomous institution  "Sports training center of Kurgan region".

The sides expressed confidence that the development of tourism between the two countries will contribute to strengthening of the tourist image of Kazakhstan and Russia, with a unique promotion of tourist potential, the strengthening of economic, cultural and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

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