
137 companies are involved in the competition "Altyn Sapa"

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The Commission of NCE considers the materials of participants of the competitions "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" and "Altyn Sapa"

Since 19th of September this year began its work the Commission to conduct a preliminary evaluation of materials of participants of the competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and participants of the Republican competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

Thus, according to the schedule, was conducted an examination of materials of participants of the competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" - winners of the regional stages. At the regional competitions, which took place from 16th of July to 31st of August this year, participated 674 subjects of small, medium and large businesses of the republic. In the end 145 winners were determined to participate in the republican stage of the competition. Out of 145 participants of the Republican contest-exhibition, the Commission will determine 10-15 leaders in each category: "The Best industrial goods"; "The best goods for the population" and "The Best food". With preliminary evaluation, as well as expert opinions, they will be submitted to the Commission of the Presidential Administration for awarding the titles of laureates of the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and winners of the Republican competition-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" at the, which will determine the winners of I, II and III degree in each category - in total there will be 9 winners of the competition.

187 applications were submitted to participate in the competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" in all regions, of which only 137 companies submitted a complete set of materials and have passed a preliminary assessment on the ground - these companies will take part in the competition.

Currently, in accordance with the schedule of work, the Commission of NCE on preliminary assessment of materials of participants of the competition "Altyn Sapa". Each year the competition is held in three categories: "The Best Enterprise for production purposes", "The best enterprise, producing goods for the population", "The Best enterprise, rendering services". In each category three prizes are awarded by category: small businesses; medium-sized businesses; large business.

In order to support and to encourage the best domestic producers for achievement of significant results in the quality of products and / or services by an organization, to ensure their safety, as well as implementation of international quality standardsfor by an organization.  The Commission will select winners of the prize "Altyn Sapa" and the titles of winners of the contest "The Best product of Kazakhstan" and will determine 9 winners of the competition. This Commission also has the right to award special prizes.

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