
Altyn sapa: The Commission of NCE highly evaluates the applications of contestants

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Every year the level of submitted materials for obtaining the presidential prize grows

According to the expert of the department of the manufacturing industry of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Umirserik Yerzhanov, contestants from all regions of Kazakhstan compete for the Prize of the President "Altyn Sapa". "We have begun to consider them. I must say, the materials are quite full-fledged, presented appropriately. Enterprises with flawless reputation participate in the competition. For example, 5 years ago, many companies applied without thinking why do they need it. Now the contestants know their purpose. These are companies that manufacture products not only for the domestic market, but also export-oriented ones. They creat jobs, there are prospects", - he said.

Members of the commission of "Atameken", who have experience in various industries, examine the received materials and choose the best. "In Kyzylorda region, only one company submitted an application. In other regions - at least 2-3. There are companies that have applied repeatedly. Perhaps for them the competition has a significance, since they participate again, despite the fact that the preparation of materials requires time, effort and money. Companies go for it. The winners do not receive any benefits, but this a kind of PR”, - added the expert.

Erzhanov stated that by the industry among the participants of the competition dominate enterprises of mining and metallurgical complex, machine building, light industry, production of construction materials.

"I would like winners to be provided with some benefits in the competition, for example possibility to conclude long-term contracts with enterprises of the quasi-public sector. That would be an incentive for others", - said the member of the commission.

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