
Safe explosives

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Kazakh mining companies are exploring the use of emulsion explosives in underground mines

In Astana was held a seminar "Modern technologies of drilling and blasting works in underground conditions", which was organized by the manufacturer of explosives for MMC Orica-Kazakhstan. It was attended by experts of mining and metallurgical enterprises of "Kazzinc", "Kazakhmys", "Altynalmas", "ArcelorMittal Temirtau" and "Norilsk Nickel".

According to the CEO of Orica-Kazakhstan Yuliya Yugay, at a seminar manufacturer of industrial explosives in Kazakhstan offered to enterprises to increase their level of security through the use of emulsion materials.

"These materials are safer, they do not provide for the construction of warehouses for explosives, they are easier to handle, respectively, they increase the safety in the area of ​​blasting. The topic is quite pressing, because there are questions about the transition from the explosive materials and technologies that are now used to the new products, therefore causing a lot of debate", - she said.

Orica now operates mainly on those businesses that are blasting by open method. In Russia the company for seven years applies emulsion industrial chemicals at enterprises "Apatit". The use of an emulsion blasting in underground mines is widespread in the world. According to the manager for the development of Orica Steve Thomson, emulsifying agent is used in the Australian underground and open pit mines in the last 20 years.

"In the application of emulsion technology, we are gradually expanding our grid drilling, which leads to lower costs and economic advantages compared to the use of packaged ANFO products, from which we are gradually moving away, especially on large fields, where manual labor is ineffective. Emulsion is easier to use, it works better, and it also facilitates logistics processes as compared with the alternatives. From a security standpoint, emulsion explosives have very good history. Raw materials for them are, of course, hazardous materials, but they are relatively safe compared to other explosives ", - assured the international expert.

Storage emulsion at an industrial facility can be stretched for up to six months, and in the underground environment, this kind of explosives can be stored up to 30 days depending on the conditions. For blasting the emulsion it is necessary to synthesize it by adding gas-generating additives. Synthesis turns the safe material into blasting substance in 30 minutes. "Since the material is unique fluid and clean material, it does not react to extreme temperatures, it is resistant to high and low extremes, so it works with virtually any temperature range", - he said.

In Kazakhstan, the substance is now used for piloting in the mines of LLP "Kazzinc" in the East Kazakhstan region. Chief specialist of the mining unit of "Kazzinc" Victor Vikhodtzev believes that the use of emulsion explosive is a progressive direction. "Initially we carefully approach this, as we used granulites, of own production. There has been established base, and there is always a stereotype, it concerns everyone. We are accustomed for something good, it is a pity to destroy the old. The underground factory, for example, for the production of explosives. Nevertheless, the technical conditions for us is as a prerequisite to provide that it is necessary to look further, because we have the power of the ore bodies fall", - he explained the experience of mining corporations.

According to a miner, emulsion is better to use in terms of water content stocks. When using such explosives as igdanite and granulites, increases the content of nitrate group in mine water in the mines of the company. The use of emulsion materials allows not exceed the maximum allowable concentration for nitrate group, says the expert.

The state authorities also welcome the increased use of emulsion materials, says the company Orica-Kazakhstan. "The supervisory and regulatory authorities will be calmer, if the reduced turnover of the explosive materials that can be used by any terrorist organizations. And here it becomes explosive explosives only in a hole in the well (during transport it is a non-explosive components), so the emulsion explosives - a new step in terms of social security and threat ", - says commercial director of Orica Kazakhstan Denislam Muratov.

According to him, the disposal of explosives is at the discretion of explosives consumers and companies is an internal matter. "Cases of unsafe storage of explosives and accounting from time to time emerge. Explosives stored in warehouses, from theft and misuse are not perfect. And our emulsion explosives remove this threat. They are charged with the help of special equipment, and its remains can not be used anywhere except in a mine or mines. Emulsion explosives may be stored up to six months, in itself is not an emulsion explosive, hazard class 5.1, as an oxidizing agent. It matures and becomes downhole explosive itself. As well there is a chemical process, connect the two components, the emulsion itself and a small addition of the reagent, where they begin to mutate, turning into an explosive", - he explained.

According to the company, its turnover this year increased significantly compared with the previous, more than 60%. If in 2015 the number of manufactured explosives totaled 19 thousand tons, in 2016 - 26.5 thousand, which is higher by 45% compared with the previous year. Also increased the number of consumers who are moving away from just the acquisition of explosives and blasting their own, mining companies prefer now to them blown professionals, saving them, including responsibility for trafficking in explosives.

The plant for the production of emulsion explosives of the company Orica-Kazakhstan launched in Ust-Kamenogorsk in 2002. He is represented by lines of packaged and explosive materials and assembly of non-electric blasting systems. The second plant of the company was opened in 2012 in the Ekibastuz coal-oriented enterprises in the region. According to representatives of the company Orica, now its plants cover the need for an explosive production fields KAZ Minerals - Aktogay and Bozshakol, "Kazzinc", "Hercules", "Altynalmas”, Eurasian Resources Group and others.

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