
Issues important for business will be discussed in Minsk

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Today the capital of Belarus - Minsk will host a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council at the level of Prime Ministers of the member countries of EAEU

During the meeting, we will discuss a number of issues, among which issues directly affecting the business of the Parties, such as the labeling of fur products, the traceability system and the draft of the new Customs Code of the EAEU. It is worth noting that all of these issues are related to the movement of goods and the possibilities of its control, which are the latest trend of the integration process.

During the meeting, the Prime Ministers of the countries planned to sign a protocol on the extension of the Agreement on the implementation of the pilot project on the labeling of fur products. Agreement on labeling of fur products was signed on 8th of September 2015 and the period of the pilot project was designed for 2015-2016.

Regarding the created system of traceability, which the draft agreement will also be discussed during the meeting, an integration unit of NCE said that the document is currently at the stage of approval.

Overall, the draft of the Agreement on the traceability system is aimed at the possibility of control over imported goods, moved within the trade turnover between the countries of the Union.

In addition, at the meeting of EMPS, it is scheduled to consider the draft of the Treaty on the Customs Code of EAEU, on which work was carried out almost 3 years with direct involvement of the business community of EAEU.

In the case of approval, the draft Customs Code will be sent for internal approval followed by its signing at the end of December this year at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council at the level of the Presidents of the Member States of the Union.

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