
Goods from Turkey - faster and cheaper

- Atyrau Region
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It is possible to reduce significantly the delivery time and the costs of goods on the route from Turkey to Atyrau

This was stated by Turkish entrepreneurs at the International Kazakh-Turkish Forum in the construction industry, which took place in Atyrau. It was organized by the Turkish Association of Black Sea exporters, with the support of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region. In addition to local entrepreneurs, 15 foreign companies attended the event.

At the forum representatives of the Turkish side presented a new logistics project, according to which Atyrau is now accessible via Georgia, Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea. In addition, the supply of goods in Atyrau can be carried through Russia by motor vehicles. It takes only 2-3 days, stated Turkish businessmen.

"Currently, freight trains arriving in the Georgian city of Batumi from Kazakhstan, come back unloaded. Why not make use of this fact, we thought. According to our project, you can freely download the train with goods and send it to the destination. For example, if earlier, it took up to 15 thousand dollars to deliver the goods by the freight vehicle, now shipping from Turkey to Kazakhstan will be only 5 thousand dollars", - said the chairman of the Turkish Exporters' Association of the Black Sea Ahmet Hamdi Gyurdogan.

According to him, properly costed logistics will significantly save money on transportation of goods. Meanwhile, the very value of the goods is not affected. As a result, you can significantly increase trade turnover between the two countries, says the head of the Turkish Association.

Upon completion of the official part of the forum, the parties continued with meetings in the B2B format between local and Turkish businessmen. The organizers expressed their confidence that the event will be useful for both sides.

Today on the territory of Atyrau region 121 enterprises with equity participation of the Turkish capital are registered. In January-August this year, the foreign trade turnover between the region and Turkey amounted to over 122 million US dollars.

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