
Zhanaozen residents learn to be entrepreneurs

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Counseling Center within the project "Zhanaozenge - Zhana serpіn" is gaining momentum

During the week since the launch of a consultation center in the town of Zhanaozen, created by the National Chamber "Atameken" together with the Akimat of Mangistau region, has served more than 300 residents of the town and nearby villages, including budding and operating entrepreneurs and those wishing to start their own business.

On 17th of October NCE RK "Atameken" and Akimat of Mangistau region adopted a joint action plan on improvement of the business environment and development program "Zhanaozenge - Zhana serpіn".

Within the project was created a consultation center for work with small and medium-sized businesses, potential entrepreneurs and young people of the town of Zhanaozen. The working group includes experienced managers and experts from regional chambers of entrepreneurs: Mangistau, Aktobe, Atyrau and South Kazakhstan regions, center for servicing entrepreneurs "Mangistau", and representatives of the departments of NCE "Atameken". The action plan is implemented on the initiative of the President of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

Counseling Center is located in the center of the town of Zhanaozen, at street Satpaev, the building #1.

"Local people work at the center. On the first day before lunch we were able to serve up to 80 residents - entrepreneurs and self-employed. With each passing day the number of those wishing to get expert information and methodological assistance is increasing. For example, on the third day we have served up to 200 people, most of them are budding and operating entrepreneurs ", - said the head of the working group, Managing Director, Head of Department for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Dinmuhamed Absattarov. - There are different requests: on land issues, micro-financing, conditions of state programs, etc. If it continues at this pace, there will be a lot of new entrepreneurs in Zhanaozen".

Today the working group of experts of the Chamber went to the village of Rakhat, where they met with local residents, budding farmers. Consultants in detail told about the subsidies for those involved in animal husbandry and greenhouses and encouraged to open farms, telling in detail about all the measures of state support for budding agricultural producers that are available in this region.

Entrepreneurs talked about their problems. For example, Baltabay Bektemisov complained that problems with documentation prevented him from opening a supermarket. Experts of the working group promised to provide assistance, and urged entrepreneurs actively contact the counseling center, where work  experts on all matters related to small and medium-sized businesses.

One of the beneficiaries of the services of the working group became an entrepreneur Bolat Tulanov. A resident of Munaily District started the production of household chemicals. The businessman incepted the idea of ​​producing domestic household chemicals in 2014. To implement his own business he purchased 0.2 hectares of land in the industrial zone and built a production building. He also bought Russian equipment. Bolat Tulanov used his own savings.

"We all know that all household chemical products are imported. There are few chemicals of domestic production, it can be said, hardly any. Consulting with businesses, we decided to take up the case. People want to cooperate with us. We want to thank the city administration, NCE "Atameken" for comprehensive support in our endeavors", - said the businessman.

Having invested all their savings into the business, Bolat Tulanov at the beginning faced a number of challenges, among them - the lack of money. Addressing to the working group "Atameken" for help, the businessman told about the problem and received basic instructions on how to promote the business. Experts of the working group, having learnt about the actions of B.Tulanov, developed a clear business plan for it. Further, in order to address the financial issue, he assisted in obtaining a loan at the rate of 4% at the credit center.

After consulting experts entrepreneur intends to offer their products to consumers, there are 5 jobs. Further expansion – is a matter of time.

"Our experts are always ready to help everyone in all areas of business. Today the center has provided support and real help to an entrepreneur Bolat Turlanov. Soon, he will get credit, and we are confident that he will deliver high-quality domestic product to the town of Zhanaozen", - said the representative of the consulting center Akku Aytzhanova.

As part of a comprehensive plan "Zhanaozenge - Zhana serpіn", it is planned to conduct over thirty events. At the moment, entrepreneurs who turned to the center, to share their concerns and ideas regarding the business, get practical advice and step by step instructions.

Along with information and methodological support in the framework of the Action Plan for the improvement and development of the business environment within the project "Zhanaozenge - Zhana serpіn", it is planned to conduct a series of events until the end of November.

It is planned to launch business schools “Bastau” for teaching entrepreneurial skills, to organize Consultation Centers for budding and existing entrepreneurs on all measures of financial and non-financial support, to teach unemployed to labor occupations in the framework of the project “Bastau Kasіp”, to organize servicing for entrepreneurs on the basis of "single window". It is also planned to present mobile application “Atameken Servises” for entrepreneurs, a series of presentations at the Centre of Agrarian Competence in the field of agriculture, and more.

Address of the counseling center - the town of Zhanaozen, street K. Satpaev, building #1, opening hours: from 9-00 to 18-30.

Full details can be obtained by calling the following telephone numbers: (7292) 30-40-40.

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