
It is necessary to solve urgently issues related to staffing needs in the rural areas!

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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Rural businessmen made such a request during the meeting with the director of the branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs in Mamlyut District

There are more than a thousand businesses in the area, of which more than 30% are engaged in agriculture, 28% in trade, the other are engaged in transportation and manufacturing. Rural businessmen noted an acute shortage of qualified personnel, it complicates the situation, plus there is no vocational school in the district. "To solve this problem, on the initiative of the branch of the Chamber in Mamlyut District opened Career Center and 5 career guidance offices at schools. We conducted 66 tours, some of them – to the enterprises. We plan to open 4 more career counseling office. In addition, we constantly hold meetings with graduate students, during which we introduces them to the state programs, with vocational training, youth practice", - reported the branch manager of RCE of NKR in Mamlyut District Nina Vasilenko.

In addition to the issue of "personnel shortage", issues of business protection arise particular interest among businesses. As it was noted by Nina Vasilenko, from the beginning of the year the branch has received 875 complaints of businessmen, including on legal matters - 181, including within the line of business protection - 35, 32 of them were positively resolved. We protected the interests of business in the amount of more than 2 million tenge.

"I am very pleased that there is a body that protects not only our interests, but also us. I wish the Chamber and business further development. Because it is not profitable to open a business in a rural area. I come from the village, but my business is in Petropavlovsk. I would have gladly opened business in the village, but there I immediately face with such problems as lack of infrastructure, no access to financial resources ", - shared the head of LLP "Petro Optimum" Rail Mendeev.

Subject availability of funds – is one of the most acute in rural areas. As it was noted by entrepreneurs, second-tier banks are reluctant to take property in rural areas as a pledge. In addition, businesses are faced with other problems. "In our area, most SMEs are faced with the following challenges: the requirement of the Land Code: the presence of farm animals at the business entity for the intended use of land, not engaged in animal husbandry, but with pastures; failure to subsidize agribusiness entities in the field of crop production; failure to subsidize the interest rates on loans, as well as the leasing of technological equipment and agricultural machinery; impossibility of re-registration of a business entity due to changes in the composition of the participants, in connection with the death of the participant or move outside the Republic of Kazakhstan", - concluded the director of the branch Nina Vasilenko.

However, despite all the difficulties, the business develops in the district. Next year it is planned to implement four major projects worth about 2 billion tenge.

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