
In business through education

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Involvement of youth in entrepreneurial activities through reading

The initiator of the educational project - Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev.

On 28th of October in the village of Kosshy in the framework of the campaign "Reading nation" was held the grand opening of the first library.

The initiator of the educational project "Reading nation" is the Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev. He aims not only to promote learning and reading in general, but also wants to enable rural youth to develop and to expand their scope, as well as to implement the massive involvement of the population in entrepreneurial activity. The project has a cultural, and educational value.

"What for we have started this movement? Because we understand that our country, our youth and our citizens have to be competitive, for this purpose they have to read books. The head of state always says: "What makes you a person, it is two factors: the first – books, that you have read as a child, and the second - the people who surround you". Neither photos on Instagram, nor posts on Facebook. To become a really strong personality, you need to read books", - said Nurzhan Altaev, speaking at the ceremony.

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of "Atameken" cited the example of the Soviet Union, where people were considered the most reading nation. Now the palm in this issue belongs to the United States, which is considered today one of the strongest powers.

"We have to read Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Abai, Ilyas Esenberlin. I am a simple man from the village, I do not have rich relatives, I have achieved everything through reading books. As a child, I was reading the works of Elias Esenberlin. I still love to read", - he added.

There are many positive examples where individual nations and peoples instilled culture of reading, self-development and self-education for young people from an early age, when the reader’s literacy became the key to the nation's success. However, for the full development of young people, we must replenish library fund each year in order to fill the shelves not only with classic works of cult authors, but also to keep up with the times, introducing readers to the works of contemporary writers. That is why in the first village library of Kosshy will be presented works of various genres, from classics to specialized business literature.

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