
No infringement of copyrights, no fines!

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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How not to violate copyrights, while carrying out business activities? This issue was discussed by business of Akin Shal district

As they say, lack of knowledge about the law is not an excuse. This summer, in ​​Shal Akyn district were audited small and medium-sized businesses on violation of copyright. As a result, the two entrepreneurs were issued an administrative fine. In order to clarify the law "On Copyright and Related Rights" at the initiative of the district branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs was organized business meeting with the head of the justice department. During the "round table" it became clear that many entrepreneurs are not aware of the law, and basic articles, which stipulate violations. Judiciary explained to entrepreneurs, what documents should be required from the suppliers of the goods, so that there is no violation. Now it will be even easier for businesses to avoid unwanted fines. For any questions about the laws they can apply to an "office for business", which was opened at the Department of Justice.

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