
Senior Professional

- Almaty Region
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Canadian expert is engaged in promotion of the company in Almaty region

The project "Senior professional” was launched in the region. The idea of ​​a unique project is to attract foreign specialists to advise on the implementation of new technologies in production, management and marketing. This year, an expert from Canada in the field of Environmental Engineering and Management George Katsarov shared his knowledge and skills with entrepreneurs. The representative of CESO International Services has 40 years of experience in the management of environmental projects. Katsarov worked as a consultant in many countries, such as Bolivia, Colombia, Honduras, Peru, the Philippines, China, Cameroon, Armenia and Ukraine.

He shared his skills with the staff of LLP "Syrat" in Talgar district. The company started its activities in 2009. The specialists developed an innovative technology for recovery and bio structuring water, subjected to anthropogenic impact. Thus was created the bio-structured water “Aquamir” – it is the first product obtained by applying natural technology. Now the company continues to develop new ways to use technology for bio-structuring of water. George Katsarov praised manufactured products.

"Our water is divided into classifications. This water mark "Aquamir classic", which can be considered as "living water," water under the brand "Fitness" is biogenic water, "Aquamir iodine" - iodophilic biogenic water, it contains ultrasmall iodine concentration. Therefore, this water can be used for the prevention of thyroid diseases", - said CEO of LLP Zhanish Dautaliev.

The expert expressed his professional opinion on water technology, appearance, product design, noting that through the development of marketing can improve sales and implementation. According to him, in order to become more competitive, the company must update the equipment. Katsarov also conducted training for staff and answered their questions.

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