
Again, about labeling of fur coats

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On 11th of November at NCE with participation of the State Revenue Committee will be held a meeting in a videoconference mode on the implementation of the pilot project for the introduction of labeling of fur products

As you know, on 12th of August this year on the territory of the EAEU came into effect the Agreement on implementation in 2015 - 2016 years of the pilot project for the introduction of labeling control (identification) signs on the heading "Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of fur".

At the same time, as it was reported by the department of economic integration of NCE RK "Atameken", today labeling was put in place not on the whole territory of the EAEU, including in Kazakhstan, information system is being developed and regulations are adopted at the national level.

In this regard, on 27th of October this year in Minsk at a meeting of EMPS was approved protocol on the extension of the Agreement on the labeling of fur products until the end of 2018.

Taking into account the high level of impact of the introduction of labeling on business, at the site of NCE RK "Atameken" was held a meeting with the involved government agencies, as well as representatives of the business community, in order to discuss all related issues of the project on the labeling of goods, as well as the current availability of authorized bodies and organizations involved in the project.

During the meeting it is planned to discuss the issues on the application of the rules of the Agreement on the labeling of fur products in the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the extension of its actions, creation of information system on labeling of products, on cooperation with the Association of GS1 and other issues of interest for local businesses.

In case of interest we ask representatives of business engaged in the production and sale of fur products to take part it. It is necessary to apply  by phone. 91-93-73 and e-mail address

The meeting will be held on 11th of November this year at 14:00 in Astana, BC "Emerald quarter"; 8, Kunaev street, Block B, 26th floor, room "Turkestan". Additionally, we inform that on clarifying the rules of the Agreement, please contact the Department of economic integration by phone: 8 (7172) 91 93 73.

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