
Energy of Kazakhstan is hampered by the absence of long-term plans

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Ecological problems of the industry were discussed at the meeting of the Energy Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken"

The event was held on 12th of December under the chairmanship of Almasadam Satkaliyev, with the participation of the Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber, Eldos Ramazanov, heads of profile associations, state bodies and entrepreneurs.

The issue of quoting energy companies at the meeting was raised by Saken Kozhabekov, Director of the Department of Labor Protection and Environmental Protection of JSC “Samruk-Energo”. From 1st of January 2018, Article 94-2 of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - "Quotas for greenhouse gas emissions" - begins to operate. However, if there is enough for all of them - a big question.

"If the power plant increases production, it has the right to apply for additional quotas. It will issue them from the reserve, which today is just over 35 million units. However, it is known that plant operators from the oil and gas sector are planning to receive reserve quotas of several million units. The SDCs of JSC “Samruk-Energo”, in particular, are about 15 million tons. Accordingly, the reserve may simply not be enough, since it is calculated also for new installations, and also for the sale of quotas at auctions. We consider it necessary to revise this volume", - Saken Kozhabekov said.

The Ministry of Energy determined the volume of 35 million tons based on calculations, while the deficit of quotas is calculated within 24 million tons. At the meeting, the representative of the department, Sabyr Asylbekov, said that they are ready to redistribute the volume of the reserve, and for this to make appropriate changes to the issuing rules, so that all the quotas will be received.

As it was noted by the Director General of Kazenergy, Aset Magauov, the greenhouse gas regulation system covers 55% of emissions, the rest is accounted for by an unquoted sector.

"It turns out that our entire goal is to fit into the quota and "tighten the nuts " to the regulated sector. At the same time, the unregulated sector continues to grow actively. I think it is necessary to develop measures to regulate greenhouse gases in the unregulated sector, since the stations themselves produce the amount of electricity that we consume. In this regard, emphasis should be placed on improving energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption, reviewing standards for the construction of buildings in order to reduce energy and heat losses", - said Aset Magauov.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Eldos Ramazanov supported the general director of "Kazenergy". He noted the need to intensify efforts to improve the energy efficiency and energy saving of the economy and urged the members of the Committee to join the study of the positive experience of Tatarstan and the Baltic States.

Chairman of the Kazakhstani Electric Power Association Shaimerden Urazalinov expressed his concerns about the sustainable development of coal generation and competitive advantages of Kazakhstan.

"With what we are at war? With greenhouse gases from coal stations. We have cheap coal for 300 years, which means more or less cheap electric power available for business and for the population. At the same time, environmentalists tighten requirements for greenhouse gas emissions. After all, we will bury coal generation!", - said Urazalinov.

"The heated debate is largely due to the fact that the Ministry has no specific vision for the development of the industry, taking into account the obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. What actions will be taken to support, restrict? There is no possibility even of medium-term planning. It is necessary to develop a low-carbon development program for Kazakhstan, taking into account its economic potential and national obligations", - said Almazadam Satkaliyev, Chairman of the Energy Committee of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken".

Also, an active discussion was prompted by the question of the appropriateness of the mandatory conduct of energy audit at newly commissioned electrical installations. As part of raising the "Doing business" rating and simplifying the procedure to the electricity grid, this rule was excluded. According to the member of the Board of the Kazakhstani Association, energy auditors Marat Yessekin, the exception will lead to a decrease in security at new facilities and reliability of electricity supply.

"We have repeatedly discussed this norm on the site of the National Chamber. In our opinion, the examination is superfluous indeed. After all, there are stages for admitting new objects into operation. There everything is clearly laid out, including what the requirements for electrical installations should be. Today, entrepreneurs, when putting the facility into operation, receive technical conditions for all engineering infrastructures, including electricity. Without their implementation, the entrepreneur has no opportunity to connect to the power grid", - said Abay Shangitbayev.

Another opinion is held by Abay Shangitbayev, Deputy Chairman of the Energy Supervision and Control Committee of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Now the Ministry continues to work to simplify the procedures for connecting to the electricity grid. Currently, two connection scenarios have been developed.

"The National Chamber is always ready to provide a platform for wide discussion with business. We actively support measures aimed at reducing administrative procedures, barriers and financial burden on SMEs", - concluded Yedos Ramazanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken ".

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