
Integration - without damage for domestic business

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NCE believes that the definition of a new type of normative document, as "building standards of the Union", completely contradicts to the principles of technical regulation in the framework of the EAEU

There are publications on information space of the Russian media about the achievement of certain agreements with Kazakhstan on the draft Protocol to the Treaty of the EAEU "On technical regulation in the field of safety of buildings and structures within the EAEU", proposed by the Russian side.

The reason for such publication is the recent discussion of the draft Protocol on the site of the Committee on construction affairs of the MNE of RK, which was held without the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders.

The draft of the protocol is aimed at definition of new regulations, as "building standards of the Union" and giving EEC powers to approve them.

Technical Regulation Department of NCE draws attention to the fact that the definition of a new type of normative document, as "building standards of the Union", completely contradicts to the principles of technical regulation in the framework of the EAEU and will create even greater technical barriers for export-oriented producers.

However, the common position of the business community of Kazakhstan is to avoid the introduction of mandatory building codes in the Union, as well as the need to establish the minimum necessary security requirements for buildings and structures, building materials and products in the draft technical regulation, while excluding from it the concept and provisions on mandatory building standards in the Union.

The business community of Kazakhstan, given the high relevance of the EAEU single market, always advocates compromise solutions.

To speed up the coordination of the draft TR of EAEU "On safety of buildings, building materials and products", protracted for 6 years, NCE has repeatedly opted for alternative ways of removing differences.

For example, before the business community of Kazakhstan, realizing the importance of creating a single market of building materials and products, the requirements for which were generally agreed by the Parties, supported the opinion on division of the project into two technical regulations: TR of EAEU "On safety of construction materials and products" and TR of EAEU "On safety of buildings and structures".

It was an alternative to achieve consensus on the differences that have arisen due to the initial position of NCE, which stipulates the need to remove buildings and structures from the draft technical regulation, based on the fact that they are not the subject of mutual trade and do not cross state borders.

Later, because of some disputes and disagreements between Member States of EAEU and in Kazakhstan, NCE has worked out a compromise position on the possibility of combining the requirements for buildings and structures, building materials and products in one draft technical regulations, subject to the establishment of minimum requirements to the safety of buildings and structures, building materials and products in the draft technical regulations, through deletion of the concept and provisions on mandatory building standards of the Union.

However, as for the last proposal of the Russian side, NCE adheres to its principle stance.

NCE considers it is unacceptable to introduce the so-called "building standards of the Union" and giving powers to the authorities of the EAEU to approve them, unless specified in the EAEU Treaty, or do not contribute to the implementation of the Union's objectives.

The proposed draft Protocol does not correspond to the objectives of the Union, i.e.:

- Does not create conditions for stable development of the economies of the Member States of EAEU;

- Does not form a single market of goods, services, capital and labor within the Union, and does not ensure freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor in the single market of EAEU;

- Does not guarantee the modernization, co-operation and improve the competitiveness of national economies in the global economy.

Moreover, introduction of changes to the Treaty on the EAEU will take several years, and taking into account the need to develop a more comprehensive base of the new normative document, the creation of a common market of building materials may be postponed for the same period.

However, the articles in the Russian press have raised concerns among the businessmen of Kazakhstan.

In this regard, on 9th of November under the auspices of NCE was held a meeting with businessmen of the construction industry.

At this meeting, participants unanimously confirmed DURABILITY of NCE’s consolidated position.

NCE, as before, is opposed to the development of the draft Protocol and insists on the need to establish the minimum necessary security requirements for buildings and structures, building materials and products in the draft technical regulations.

P.S. On all questions please contact the Technical Regulation Department of NCE, tel.: 919-330.


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