
"Almex" and "KazAgro" will jointly finance the investment projects

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Holding Group "Almex", which carries out investment activities in the financial market, has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the National Holding "KazAgro"

The memo provides for the bilateral assistance in attracting major international and foreign companies for joint implementation or co-financing of investment projects, as well as consulting services. It is also noted that the companies with the necessary expertise and resources will be attracted for implementation of various projects in the agricultural sector and food industry.

According to the document, the parties have expressed an interest and willingness to address the issues of co-financing of investment projects with the participation of its subsidiaries or affiliates. In addition, "Almex" and "KazAgro" intend to establish a mutually beneficial exchange of information related to marketing, industry and other research in the field of agriculture and food industry.

As it was noted in the holding group "Almex", the result of the planned cooperation between the parties should be implemented investment projects to ensure further development of agriculture and food industry of Kazakhstan, operating on the principles of economic efficiency.


JSC "Holding Group "Almex" dates back to 1996. The main activity of the Group is issue of loans and guarantees, attraction of deposits, trading in securities and foreign currencies, executing transfers, cash transactions, payment cards and other banking services through a joint-stock company "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan", the Group provides banking services to corporate and retail customers in Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia, and insurance services in Kazakhstan.

JSC "National Holding" KazAgro" implements the state policy on development of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan by ensuring effective management of investment assets of companies included in its structure. The holding includes JSC "National Company" Food Contract Corporation ", JSC" KazAgroProdukt ", JSC “KazAgroFinance ", JSC "Agrarian Credit Corporation", JSC "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture", JSC "KazAgroGarant" and JSC "KazAgroMarketing".

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