
Azerbaijani businessmen are interested in Shymkent

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The delegation of Azerbaijani businessmen, headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan in Kazakhstan Rashad Mammadov, met with businessmen of South Kazakhstan

Azerbaijani Ambassador stated at the Chamber that he has arrived to South Kazakhstan region in order to find common ground between economic entities of the country and our region for the development of trade and economic relations. Prior to that, the delegation has visited several regions of Kazakhstan.

Guests from Transcaucasia presented Azerbaijani export potential and economic opportunities of their enterprises. They also spoke in detail about the new logistics center for entrepreneurs, which has been built by the Azerbaijani side in the seaport "Aktau". According to them, the agricultural sector is traditionally developed in Azerbaijan, the country is self-sufficient in food essentials. Currently, Azerbaijan has adjusted exports of horticultural products to the Kazakhstani market, including the South Kazakhstan region. But business acts in this direction in a fragmented and chaotic manner: for example, the most common imported products – are fruit and tea – it is delivered to SKR by private KamAZ trucks. Therefore, the Azerbaijani side has set a goal for this visit, which is to find common points of interest for the supply of certain goods and raw materials. "We are ready to export to Kazakhstan products manufactured under the brand name" Azerbaijan", to ensure supply from Southern Kazakhstan to our country - from raw materials to finished products".

Our entrepreneurs, in particular, the director of "MP and K" Myrzakhmet Snabaev expressed interest to establish in SKR production of pomegranate juice. Guests told us that they are ready to create joint Kazakh-Azerbaijani enterprises in partnership with the South Kazakhstan agricultural producers.

The information about the tourism potential of Azerbaijan was quite cognitive as well, and the two countries have already begun the exchange of experiences on the development of domestic tourism. "Azerbaijan has very developed tourism industry, a huge number of tourists attends the country, ski resorts are in great demand. In the country there are almost all climatic conditions. Among the guests – there are many from Kazakhstan. We will be glad if our resorts will become popular among South Kazakhstan residents", - said Rashad Mammadov.

At the end of the meeting it was decided that the Chamber of entrepreneurs will present to the Azerbaijani side a list of local companies by sector and commercial offers from SKR business.

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