
Pulse of the region

- Almaty Region
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The regional map of business development was presented to Karasai entrepreneurs

One of the brightest and most significant projects of the Regional Chamber is the map of business development. The map is a guide, or a kind of navigator for business. It determines the investment potential of the business sector, which reflects the economic specialization, direction, infrastructure, and other relevant factors in the region. Therefore, in the Almaty region, work continues on raising awareness of the business community and local executive bodies regarding the projects of the regional map of business development.

At this time, a unique project was presented in Karasai district. This district is one of the densely populated and with the largest share of the business sector, and therefore the appropriate and important was the holding of a presentation for the business community and state bodies of Karasai. The expert of RCE on support of projects Adil Kaskarauov spoke about objectives and tasks, capabilities and performance of the map.

"Regional map was developed during the year, and it contains the complete information about the region, carefully prepared by us. There are already the first results, we helped to finance the project in Panfilov district, which has no analogues in the region. Now we are working on other projects. Today, the Internet resource has become a business navigator, where one click can find you the necessary information. Moreover, the map has the roster of entrepreneurs, which only in Almaty region includes more than 20 000 companies. Currently, 4 regional projects are included in it, by the end of the year it is planned to include further 14 investment projects", - shared the expert.

According to him, Karasai districts plans to include two investment projects in the map. Entrepreneurs are going to create a greenhouse for growing vegetables and fruits in the settlements. In addition, the expert noted that projects in the field of agriculture and tourism remain relevant in the district.

At the meeting, the entrepreneurs were able to ask questions and share proposals. So, they said, the district needs to build a sugar factory, since beetroot grows near Almaty. It will be effective and will save money and time for business. Today Karasai beet growers sell their products to Koksu sugar factory.

After the meeting, entrepreneurs received a personal consultation about the conditions for inclusion in the regional map.

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