
Helpful Club, or Accounting Without Borders

- Pavlodar Region
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Recent changes in the field of accounting, taxation and labor law, these and many other questions were discussed at the meeting of the Club of Accountants.

The useful seminar was organized by the Central House of Accountants with the assistance of the NGO "Accountants of Pavlodar region", the Department of State Revenue, the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

It is worth noting that this is the second such event where accounting professionals have the opportunity to get qualified comments on the new regulations, to ask questions, and, of course, to discuss jointly current topics.

        The accountants were introduced to a new reference and information system VITAMINka, which will help to solve operational daily professional tasks.

Certified Accountant of the Central House of Accountants Saule Baytabekova presented an overview of the changes in legislation, in a dialogue mode. Participants discussed arising disputes, as well as suggested possible options to resolve ambiguous situations.

The head of the non-financial support to entrepreneurs Anel Zhampeisova told about the regulations of the Accountants Club, and invited to the regular meeting of the Club, which will take place in early December. On the proposal of the NGO "Accountants of Pavlodar region" here will be considered problematic issues in the labor legislation. According to Anel Zhampeisova, today it is difficult to overestimate the role of the newly established regional Club of Accountants, whose members speak very highly about its effectiveness. "If you have any questions or suggestions, we invite you to the Chamber of entrepreneurs. Our main task – is to create a platform for dialogue and to help accountants to sort out all the variety of innovations in the legislation", - summed up A. Zhampeisova.


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