
Lyazzat Ramazanova: "To promote "Made in Pavlodar"- means to promote Kazakhstan"

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In Pavlodar was held the first regional forum of businesswomen, who combined the most brilliant representatives of the region's businesses

The main topics of discussion - the role of women in the development of the country, support for women's entrepreneurship, increase of economic activity of women in business.

The forum was attended by the Chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Lyazzat Ramazanova, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Kazakhstan Vytautas Nauduzas, director of the Department of Personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Ricardas Shlepavichyus, Third Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania Adomas Davalga and Deputy Akim of Pavlodar region Nikolai Dychko.

According to Lyazzat Ramazanova, women's entrepreneurship in the region is actively growing, and this Forum further strengthens the position of businesswomen in the region.

"Pavlodar region is one of the most successful regions in many respects. It is obvious with what zeal and dedication women entrepreneurs do things they love. I would like to urge regional businesswoman to continue to create and, at the same time, to speak openly about themselves and their problems. Let budding entrepreneurs, looking at you, to believe that "if she could, then, and I could", - she pointed out in her speech.

At the same time, highly evaluating the regional business, Lyazzat Ramazanova stressed that "to promote "Made in Pavlodar"- means to promote Kazakhstan".

I must say that since 2015 the Council of Businesswomen operates in the region, which includes 20 regional entrepreneurs, working in different fields of business.

As it was noted by the Chairman of the Regional Council of Businesswomen Rayhangul Satabayeva, women's participation in entrepreneurial activity makes it possible to make the development of the regional economy more balanced and sustainable.

"The total number of women entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region is more than 25 thousand people. At the same time women often opt for doing business in the areas in which it is possible not only to create conditions for self-realization, but also to contribute to the solution of important social problems. The main goal of all of our initiatives - is promotion of women in social and life orientation, encouragement and assistance for budding and operating entrepreneurs. The support of women in rural areas is quite crucial, as in remote villages and settlements there is not enough opportunities for development", - stressed Satabayeva.

The Chair of the Regional Council voiced and the results of the executed work.

"Since the beginning of the work of the Council, service support was rendered to 676 subjects of women's entrepreneurship out of 8 specialized services. They underwent training to the basics of business and improved the skills of 380 women. 18 projects worth 52.5 million tenge were implemented under the program "Roadmap of Business", 19 jobs were created, 68 projects for 191 million tenge were approved within the "Roadmap of Employment" and 69 jobs were created. In the field of agriculture, 7 businesswomen received preferential loans in the amount of 90 million tenge, created 29 jobs. Property rights of 19 businesses, worth more than 132 million tenge, have been protected. It is also important to note that Councils of Businesswomen were created in all districts of the region and the single industry towns, which are composed of active regional women entrepreneurs", - added Rayhangul Satabayeva.

Deputy akim of Pavlodar regiona Nikolai Dychko, in turn, stressed that in many areas women are as successful as men.

"It gets harder each year for men to compete with women in business. In our region, women entrepreneurs successfully manage enterprises in the field of mechanical engineering, energy, agriculture, and construction firms. Their successes are a benchmark for aspiring entrepreneurs. Local government is ready to provide full support to all the initiatives of women entrepreneurs", - said the deputy head of the region.

The guest of honor of the Forum the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Lithuania to Kazakhstan Vytautas Nauduzas expressed the view that women are making a huge contribution to the development of the country, creating an "economic miracle".

During the Forum the regional businesswomen shared their concerns and put forward their suggestions.

For example, the head of the farm "Daulet" Lyazzat Disenova, which is also the chair of the Council of Business Women of Lebyazhinsk district, deputy of district maslikhat, noted the effectiveness of the support provided by the state, noted the need to assist in matters of sales.

The director of "ZhasAr 2014" Aigul Omerbekova raised the issue of development of enterprises with regional brands.

"There are brands "Made in Kazakhstan ","Made in USA" and others. Let's create a brand "Made in Pavlodar". Let it be a separate area for the sale of products. I think it will give another chance for our entrepreneurs to find their niche in the market for goods, works and services", - stressed the business woman.

During the forum was made another suggestion for the creation of a children's dance school with the use of PPPs, the organization of women artisans gallery in Pavlodar, with the ability to trade in goods, as well as organization of bus route for small businesses of the Northern industrial zone in Pavlodar.

In general, the forum brought together about a hundred regional women entrepreneurs, which agreed that thanks to the support rendered in the field region, women are successful in many different directions.

The Forum was finished with the award ceremony. Activists of the movement of businesswomen in the Pavlodar region were awarded with diplomas, letters of merit.

The guests attended an exhibition of goods and products manufactured by women entrepreneurs from single industry towns and districts, which became an indicator of the region's business achievements. More than 20 businesswomen participated in it.


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