
It is planned to implement the ATA Carnet procedure in Kazakhstan

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The Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan sent to the International Chamber of Commerce documents for entry into the international guarantees network the ATA Carnet

The ATA Carnet is an international standard for customs documents, recognized as customs declaration, allowing duty-free import, as well as identification of the temporarily imported goods, and includes the acting financial guarantee for international handling to pay the import customs duties, taxes and fees .

One important aspect of the functioning of the ATA system is a fact that not all countries that have ratified the International Convention ATA, ATA is automatically included in the system, and, consequently, on their territory can’t be issued and accepted ATA carnet by Customs. Only after the official inauguration of the country by guaranteeing association, approved by the national customs authorities, the international network of national guaranteeing organizations of World Federation of Chambers, the state is considered to be officially included in the international network of the ATA.

Kazakhstan ratified the International Convention on Temporary Admission (ATA Carnet Convention) by the Act of the Republic on November 3, 2010 # 346-IV, but then, unfortunately, a mechanism of the Convention has not been developed. As a result the state tried to impose the function of issuing and guaranteeing organization on the existing back then CCI of Kazakhstan, but because of the different legal collisions it was not adopted.

Only the Law of RK dated by 07.04.2013, # 129-V “On the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan” clause 14 of the Article 14 the function of guaranteeing and issuing organization were assigned to NCE "Atameken", at the time NCE delegated this function to its subsidiary – the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan and this article came into effect on 01.01. 2015.

The Customs Service of Kazakhstan sent a letter to the International Chamber of Commerce (ref. Number SRC 10/01/2771-SRC-215 dated by 02.01.2016) on the recognition of the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan as guaranteeing and issuing organization for the ATA Carnet system.

Currently, the Chamber of Commerce of Kazakhstan carries out further activities to introduce the ATA carnet procedure in Kazakhstan. Accession is expected in January-February 2017.


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