
Terms of lease of agricultural land will change

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The Ministry of Agriculture developed a draft law, which may come to the Mazhilis in December

Terms of the lease of agricultural land will now depend on the business plan of tenants. This norm is contained in the draft law developed by the Ministry of Agriculture. "If earlier the agricultural land was given for rent, regardless of the business plan, regardless of what a tenant was planning to do on this leased land, but now you need to show a business plan in the first place, on the basis of the investment programs of this business plan, we define a concrete term of lease", - said the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of agriculture Askar Myrzakhmetov to reporters on the sidelines in the Mazhilis.

Askar Myrzakhmetov recalled that "before the law allowed to lease agricultural land for up to 49 years, regardless of the payback period of a business plan, under which the rent was agreed".

"Now it will not occur. First, a certain period is given, the business plan, which has been reviewed and approved by competition commission, is monitored. If the business plan is observed, then further extension of the lease term is discussed", - said the Deputy Prime Minister.

In addition, the draft law proposed to change the rules for the formation of the commission, whose members will select the tenants of agricultural lands. "Firstly, the competition commission will be created with the obligatory participation of at least 50% of public associations and organizations", - said Askar Myrzakhmetov.

In addition, it is proposed to publish information about the ongoing competition among potential tenants not only in district media, but also in the regional media, as well as on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of RK. "In order to inform all volunteers", - stated Askar Myrzakhmetov.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, the draft law is now undergoing "final stage of negotiation". It is planned that the draft law will arrive for the consideration of the Mazhilis in December of this year.

Zhanar Serdalina

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