
"Atameken" is ready to engage in vocational guidance among the self-employed

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The new program of productive employment and large scale spread of entrepreneurship were discussed at the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Chairman of the Board of the Chamber Ablay Myrzakhmetov announced the stance of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" on the program.

In matters of mass re-education, professional training, according to Myrzakhmetov, taking into account the transfer of these functions to local executive bodies, the role of regional chambers and employers will be primarily in harmonization of the modular educational programs.

"The Chambers and the employers' associations should be involved in the formation of state order for training. We consider it is extremely important to implement it, taking as a basis the rating of educational organizations that is based on percentage of employment and employers regarding the assessment of the quality of products. The presence of such a rating of educational institutions of vocational education will demonstrate their effectiveness, and you will see the direction of the state order. Together with the Ministry we have conducted a small survey, and experts of district employment centers did not hide what is, in fact, the level of training of unemployed or self-employed people. That is an unofficial assessment is taking place, this work could be systematized", - he said.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs considers it is necessary to carry out career guidance work among this category of citizens. Often unemployed or self-employed do not know what major they need to choose to undergo retraining, how promising it is in the future. Each district requires a specialist that can send unemployed for a promising path. In case of allocation of appropriate funds, NCE is ready to do this work.

In addition, according to the "Atameken", it is necessary to ensure that the program reaches all the villages. This work could be adjusted through a network of mobile training centers. It is proposed to organize one such center in the region, which will deal with short-term training for demanded trades. About 15 - 25 million tenge will be required for establishment of such centers. It is necessary to provide for the costs of logistics of mobile complexes and wages for mobile teachers. Tuition fees in mobile centers may be 30% higher, but they will provide a large-scale coverage.

The second direction of the project – is a large scale entrepreneurship education. Instrument of NCE RK “Atameken” “Bastau” will be the basis for training new entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activity of individuals. Currently there were identified 94 rural districts in 14 regions of Kazakhstan. We have worked previously with MNE RK on the budget: in 2017 - 1.2 billion tenge, in 2018 - 2.4 billion tenge. It is planned that in 2017 about 15 thousand people will be trained within the instrument “Bastau” since 2018 - 30 thousand people every year.

"The number of hours within this program increased 10 times. In addition, there are individual lessons. The first stage includes a test, during which it is very important to identify the motivation, willingness to do business, to identify the entrepreneurial flair. This is extremely important", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

The project “Bastau Business" was implemented in a pilot mode in two districts (Munaily District of Mangistau region and Temir District of Aktobe region) and monotown Zhanaozen. The purpose of the project – is to help the villagers to start their own businesses with the ability to obtain concessional financing.

"It is vital to work on micro-credits and further support with those, who have underwent training under "Bastau Business". Especially during the first six, sometimes 12 months", - added the head of the Board of NCE.

Shee also noted that the development of the labor market, NCE supports the approaches of the program. "It is important to escort projects. Within the framework of existing budgets, we could organize appropriate call centers, to monitor the further progress of those who have passed retraining or decided to continue to study the basics of entrepreneurship", - said Myrzakhmetov.

NCE considers it is appropriate to reformat the activity of the employment centers on the basis of best international practices with the use of market mechanisms (an example of private employment agencies). NCE is ready to collect these best practices and jointly implement the reform in this area.

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