
How to create a national brand?

- City of Almaty
15267 просмотров

Almaty businessmen were urged to take an active part in the development of branded products

Why does Kazakhstan need its own competitive brands? What kind of support state agencies provide in the establishment of national branding? Will there be positive results as a result of the launch of the "Top 100 Brands of Kazakhstan"? And what mechanisms of business stimulation are required in this direction?

These and other questions were discussed by the participants of the round table "Branding in Kazakhstan: problems and prospects and ways of development" – by representatives of NCE RK "Atameken", the Kazakh Parliament, the Ministry of Information and Communications of Kazakhstan, the Akimat of Almaty, the public fund “KAZBRANDS”, the club " Caravanners", LLP "The Academy of innovative smart technologies", scientists and public figures. The participants noted that the brand today - is business philosophy, the part of the psychology of the consumer, consumer’s inner world. Therefore, in addition to marketing and advertising, the industry is directly related to psychology and philosophy.

"People are judged by their appearance, and the country - by a brand it is known for. Japanese Toyota, Korean Samsung – there are many examples, but what we can say about Kazakhstan? What product can be associated with our country around the world? Not only brand managers of a single company need to work on it. We all need to unite over this national idea. The head of state set is as a priority task. All your recommendations will be recorded and taken under control for further work", - said the chairman of PF “KAZBRANDS” Nurlan Zhazylbekov.

He added that the fund “KAZBRANDS” together with state bodies will develop a number of measures aimed at the implementation of tasks. Conditions for branding of products will be requirements such as originality, attractiveness of the product, best quality, recognition, customer satisfaction. It will be necessary to conduct permanent sociological, marketing research of consumer preferences for this purpose. Kazakh products will be tested before and after market entry.

"As an incentive for the creation of branded products, we offer to hold competitions, which will determine the best companies by the results of quality, increase of production volumes and revenues, the level of profitability, the development and introduction of innovative technologies, create new jobs, wage levels, participation in charitable and sponsorship activity", - said the chief consultant of the Mazhilis Zhanna Kaykenova.

The fund “KAZBRANDS” manages two major projects "Made in Kazakhstan" and "Top 100 Brands of Kazakhstan".


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