
88 CTM of CR discussed their future activities

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At the site of NCE "Atameken" was held a conference “Association of Centers of Technical Maintenance of cash registers"

88 service centers in all regions of Kazakhstan joined the event via video conference mode.

During the first half of the conference, which was attended by representatives of NCE "Atameken" and JSC "Kazakhtelecom", memorandums of mutual cooperation were handed to representatives of the Association, which were signed by both sides, and wished them success and expressed confidence in further fruitful cooperation.  The results of the work and the opinion of the regions were summarized in the first half of the conference.

Director of the Association of CTM RK Olga Voloshina spoke about the need for approval of the rules of business activity, business and entrepreneurial ethics of the members of the Association and the standard of organization of the system of technical maintenance of cash registers, as well as the need to improve service delivery in maintenance of cash machines. She noted that the development and approval of the proposal for approval of documents required under the law of RK "On self-regulation" as the goals and objectives of the Association are directed on execution of activities in accordance with the legislative act. Discussion of texts of both documents was done two weeks prior to the meeting. Texts have been posted on the website of the Association. Voloshina proposed to approve at the general meeting the following documents: Rules of entrepreneurship activities, business and entrepreneurial ethics of the members of the Association; Standard for organization of the system of technical maintenance of cash registers and ensuring the quality of services of maintenance of cash machines.

The second half of the conference was attended only by representatives of the main site of the city of Astana. Attendees voted for board nominees, there were proposed working committees with an explanation of their main functions and proposed for adoption as a basis for a number of documents. Present members of the Association voted on all issues. As for missing members of the Association, it was decided to place these issues on the website of the Association for remote voting. Remote voting period was approved up to 18.00 December 9, 2016


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