
25 years - in peace and harmony!

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Festival of ethnic and cultural associations of APK united the best creative teams of veterans, and the activists of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

Over 10 thousand people gathered under the dome of the racetrack "Saryarka", to see a great show, timed with the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was visited by President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

"The people of Kazakhstan as one family contribute to the prosperity of our country, APK plays a great role in it. Over the years, the Assembly truly brings together people of different ethnic groups and religions, it revealed all that is best in every culture and traditions. We have become closer to each other, become a single people living in a single house - our country", - said the Head of State.

In his welcoming speech, he pointed out that peace and harmony are the main achievements of Kazakhstan over the years.

The festival program was extremely rich and diverse. All the nations and nationalities living in Kazakhstan, presented their vocal and dance and theatrical performances. The music mix was played at the start, bringing together dances of the Kazakh, Caucasian, Russian, Korean and other folk. This synergy has become a vivid demonstration of the unique model of Kazakhstan's society - inter-ethnic harmony, a greater role in the achievement of which, of course, played the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Each presentation was followed by a colorful thematic projection, for a couple of hours the cycling track turned into a screen at which bloomed roses, the sun was shining, the steppe grass was rustling. And while the story about the difficult years at the Concentration Camp of Motherland betrayers, the barbed wire and the snow appeared. Indeed, the event was not inferior to the best international shows.

Representatives of 1 332 ethno-cultural centers of Kazakhstan participated in the festival of APK.

During the festival, Nursultan Nazarbayev announced that just three national theaters in Kazakhstan - Korean, German and Uighur receive academic status. This will open up new opportunities for the development of theatrical art in the country, the President expressed his confidence.

"The Government always supports all ethno-cultural associations, funding for school children, teaching their native language. Our newspapers and magazines are in fifteen languages, theaters - in six languages. In Kazakhstan, it is a true reality unlike in other countries. Today, at this festival, I announce my decision to assign to the three national theatres - Korean, German, Uighur - the status of the country's academic theaters", - announced Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Guests of honor, the famous natives of Kazakhstan came to the festival - the Hero of Soviet Union, the first president of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, the Soviet and Russian composer Alexander Zatsepin and ballet dancer, five-time Olympic champion, five-time world champion, a famous Soviet gymnast Nellie Kim, choreographer Azary Plisetsky, whose destiny – is a vivid reflection of history.

 Azary Plisetsky - the brother of the famous Maya Plisetskaya, when he was 8 months old, he and his mother were exiled to Concentration Camp in Akmola. Kazakhs helped this family to survive, like hundreds of other repressed or deported families.

"And here I first stood up - on your land. Now I can say - on our land. I would like to consider myself your compatriot. Therefore, I am pleased to follow how the country develops. We were here in 2010, and now we see new buildings, the dynamics of development. I was filled with pride and gratitude to Nursultan Nazarbayev for the fact that he has established the Day of memory of victims of political repression and erected a memorial. I am grateful for the preservation of memory", - said Azary Plisetsky.

Patrons were also honored at the festival, the results of republican projects of APK "Myn Bala", "Caravan of Solace” were announced. It turned out that the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan has a Global ambassador to the United States and Switzerland. It is an athlete Nellie Kim.


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