
Kazakhstan and Israel signed a number of documents

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Agriculture, innovation, medicine, business - these were the main topics during the Kazakh-Israeli meeting in Astana

Today the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev hosted in Akorda Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has paid a visit to our country for the first time. "All the years of our independence, Israel has been and remains a friendly country, our important economic partner. The special relationship between our two countries have developed not by chance", - said the President of Kazakhstan at the joint briefing after the talks. The Head of State noted that the meeting was held "in a climate of openness and trust", during which the sides discussed "bilateral cooperation issues, the international order, combating terrorism, and exchanged views on other issues".

"As you know, Israel's achievements in the development of the agricultural complex are very impressive. We adopt the experience slowly. Today we agreed to create a joint working group to make a plan, an agreement and a roadmap. Once the documents are ready, we with the Prime Minister will sign an agreement and begin to work together", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In addition, Kazakhstan and Israel have actively discussed the prospects for the opening of direct flights between Astana and Tel Aviv, as well as the abolition of visas. The head of state stressed that "Kazakhstan resolves this issue on its part". Economic projects will be discussed at the Kazakh-Israeli business forum, at which is scheduled participation of the President of Kazakhstan and the Israeli Prime Minister.

Israel is interested in participating in the free trade zone within the EAEU. "Kazakhstan, as the chairing organization, supports it. We have said that we can cooperate not only in this but also in matters of training of our people, adoption of the new technologies, industry. Learn from this experience, which is kindly suggested to us, this is a great support for Kazakhstan", - concluded Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In turn, Benjamin Netanyahu added that our countries can achieve a lot and do things together. "You have correctly pointed out that it is necessary to shift from an economy based on raw materials, to the new economy. We believe that this is a task, in which we can do a lot together", - said the Prime Minister.

The guest to Kazakhstan also added that "Israel today is in a very fortunate position, as we have both natural and man-made resources".

"And I think this is the ideal ratio between what you're trying to do and what we do at home. First and foremost, this is reflected in our commitment to participate in EXPO-2017. Here we come to a very easy decision. We want to be here, to be partners, especially in three areas - agriculture, science and technology, the fight against terrorism", - said Benjamin Netanyahu.

Following the talks, Kazakhstan and Israel signed a package of documents. This, in particular, the Agreement between the two governments on agriculture cooperation, joint declaration of intent between the two governments for exemption from visa requirements for holders of national biometric passports, a Memorandum of Understanding between the aeronautical authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State of Israel. In addition, the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in the field of industrial research development between JSC "National Agency for Technological Development" and the Israeli center for industrial research and development work "Matimop" as well as a memorandum on cooperation between the Agency for Civil service and Anti-corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Civil Service Commission of the state of Israel.

Zhanar Serdalina


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