
For loyalty to the cause

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On the eve of the 25th anniversary of Independence the employees and partners of the Chamber were awarded at "Atameken"

Medal "For fidelity to the cause" of III degree from the hands of Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov received: Member of the Board - Deputy Chairman of NCE Tulemis Shotanov, Chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana Dauren Zhaksybek, Deputy Chairman of the Agency for public service and anti-corruption Aigul Shaimova, Head of the unit of the 1st Department of Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan Marat Seksembayev, Head of the 1st Department of the General prosecutor’s office of Kazakhstan Muratbek Alibekov, director of the state Institution "Institute of legislation of the Ministry of Justice of RK" Aslan A. Tukiyev, senior prosecutor of the unit of the 1st Department of Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan Ilyas Sandybaev, deputy prosecutor of Astana, member of the Council for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Astana Almat Bayshulakov, Director of the department of legislation of the Ministry of Justice Erlan Buzurbaev, Divisional head of the state revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance Shafqat Kudabaev, Deputy Director of business development Department of the Ministry of national economy of Kazakhstan Aslanbek Dzhakupov, President of Poultry Farmers Union of Kazakhstan Ruslan Sharipov, director of "Nur Astana Kurylys” Salamat Akhmetov, Chairman of the organization of the national association of the Council of education and science Zhazira Duysebekova, chairman of the Association " Union of potato and vegetable growers" Kairat Bisetaev, Director of the customs administration Department of NCE Dina Mamasheva, Managing Director - Director of the Department of Economics NCE Alena Romanova, Director of the Department of public monitoring and working with administrative barriers NCE RK Erbol Ustemirov, director of the Department of legislation and development of self-regulation of NCE RK Aizhan Bizhanova, expert of 1 category of the Department of legal protection of entrepreneurs NCE RK Arman Khaydarov, judge of the administrative Department of NCE RK Zhanat Zhakanov, manager of the Administrative Department of NCE Aldan Mukhashev.    

Honorary diplomas were awarded to: the head of the Association of credit unions Elmira Sagatova, deputy head of the Office of administration of indirect taxes of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance Damir Nurgaliev, acting Chairman, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Land Management of the Ministry of Agriculture Gulzhahan Bimendina, Head of the Department of Policy for Development of Public Administration of the Ministry of National Economy of RK Askarbek Yertayev, Head of Entrepreneurship Development Department of MNE RK Gaukhar Alibekova, deputy director of the Entrepreneurship Development Department of MNE RK Gulnar Kasenova, senior assistant to the Chief transport prosecutor Sabyrzhan Mukanov, senior assistant to Chief Prosecutor Serikzhan Myrzaliev, deputy director of the Department of tax and customs policy of MF RK Bibinur Kurmasheva, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of legal statistics Yergali Mabiev, head of the 2nd Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan Nurman Dairabai, Head of 10th Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Yeraliyev, deputy chief of the 4th Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan Marat Abishev, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for state property and privatization of MF RK Kalymzhan Ibraimov, deputy director of the Department of tax and customs policy of MNE RK Daryn Abduali, director of the Department of the service sector of NCE Zhan Ospanov, deputy director of the Department of Public Relations Gulnar Amrenova, chief editor of Internet resource of NCE RK "Atameken" Karlygash Zhusupbekova, deputy director of the Department of AIC and food industry of NCE Erbol Eseneev, deputy director of the Department of AIC and food industry of NCE Aman Suleimenov, Deputy Director of the Department of the service sector of NCE Karlygash Altaeva, deputy director of the Department of human capital development of NCE Azamat Beysenbenov, Deputy Head of the Department of public monitoring and work with administrative barriers of NCE Saniya Akylbekova, expert of the 1st category of tax Department of NCE Nurgul Akshabaeva, expert of the Department of legislation and development of self-regulation of NCE Valery Kotovich, deputy director of the Department of legal protection of entrepreneurs of NCE Madina Temerbekova, expert of the Department of legislation and development of self-regulation of NCE Mikhail Lee, expert of the Department of legislation and development of self-regulation of NCE Irina Makarova, expert of the Department of legislation and development of self-regulation of NCE Abylay Torekhan, expert of the Department of legislation and development of self-regulation of NCE Bayan Baymoldina, expert of the Department of legal protection of entrepreneurs of NCE Chingiz Temirov, expert of the Department of legal protection of entrepreneurs of NCE Ansar Seysekeev, expert of the Department of legal protection of entrepreneurs of NCE Anuarbek Skakov, expert of the Department of AIC and food industry of NCE Zhanna Akisheva, expert of the Department of AIC and food industry of NCE Aizhan Karabaeva, expert of the Department of AIC and food industry of NCE Kuandik Chunkunov.

Letters of merit from the head of the Board of "Atameken" received the prosecutor of the 1st Department of the General Prosecutor's Office Kuralay Kankina, prosecutor of the 4th Department of the General Prosecutor's Office Anar Bekmagambetova, prosecutor of the 10th Department of the General Prosecutor's Office Meruert Makhashova, chief prosecutor of the 2nd General Prosecutor's Department Indira Seytkaksimova, Senior prosecutor of the Department for Supervision in the socio-economic sphere of the main transport prosecutor’s office Gulim Turmanova,  Prosecutor of the Committee of legal statistics Viktor Krasnousov, director of the Department of development of public administration of MNE RK Akbota Kurmanbaeva, deputy chairman of the Committee on regulation of natural monopolies and protection of the competition rights of MNE RK Aslan Darbayev, expert of 1st category of the Department of public procurement and local content NCE Askar Izgaliev, expert of the 1st category of manufacturing Department of NCE Batyrbek Aubakirov, expert of the 1st category of the Department of Economics of NCE Asel Murathanova, expert of the 1st category of the Department of service sector of NCE Elena Mikhnova, expert of 2nd category of the Department of economy of NCE Botagoz Zhavgasheva.

"The key direction of independence of any country - is, of course, economic independence. Business - is an area which promotes economic power", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov, speaking at the ceremony.

Chairman of the Board of NCE said that in the three years of its existence NCE "Atameken" succeeded as an institution in the perception of its members, partners and state bodies. "It is the merit of each of you. I would especially like to thank our Associations, which contribute to our common work. And today we invited to state agencies to emphasize the importance of a constructive dialogue, a spirit of partnership. The role of the prosecutor's office is especially visible, because the protection of rights - is our key area of ​​activity. I literally every day get in my e-mail box 1-2 letters of gratitude - the sweetest thing", - he said.


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