
Rumors about NCE reached Uzbekistan

- City of Almaty
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Khokim of Tashkent arrived in Almaty to learn the experience of entrepreneurship development

"We are neighbors and, hence, there should be no secrets between us", - joked Khokim of Tashkent Rahmonbek Usmanov at a meeting with the heads of the Almaty Institutions of Entrepreneurship Development. Uzbek guests were told what kind of support business gets in Kazakhstan.

"The main task of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty - is protection of the rights and legitimate interests of businesses. As practice shows, proposals of NCE "Atameken" to improve the business environment at the legislative level, are accepted at 60%. We have a Council on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. This year alone, we have defended in the courts of Almaty the interests of businessmen in the amount of 6 billion tenge. We are actively working on elimination of administrative barriers and increasing the Kazakh content in public procurement. We teamed secondary special educational institutions, businesses and associations to prepare workers for enterprises, because the theory which is taught by specialists in the colleges diverges from the requirements of employers. Currently, 8 clusters were created, we are planning to open two more early next year", - shared the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov.

Guests were interested what industries the state supports, above all, and how to solve problems between businesses and state bodies. Rahmonbek Usmanov was shown one of the centers for servicing entrepreneurs. Uzbek delegation was told about eight types of services that any businessman can get for free. This year experts of Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs in Almaty have processed more than seven million appeals, and this figure will reach eight million by year's end.

Khokim of Tashkent expressed his desire to meet with representatives of leading construction companies in Almaty. Rahmonbek Usmanov is interested in how the business is involved in the program of preferential housing construction in Kazakhstan.


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