
Awards from the Regional Council

- Almaty Region
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Entrepreneurs and employees of RCE got awards

At the exit session of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region in Karatal district the chair of the Council Rimma Salykova presented awards to businessmen and members of the Chamber of entrepreneurs.

Thus, the medal "25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Independence" was awarded to a member of the Regional Council, general director of "Kindergarten Educational Center "Erkem Ai-Almaty" and private educational school "Dana" Kulyanda Batyrbekova.

The chair of the Council of Businesseomen under RCE of Almaty region, deputy of Taldykorgan city maslikhat Mamila Musabekov got a medal “for fidelity to the cause”of the third degree of NCE RK "Atameken".

A letter of merit, signed by the Chairman of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of NCE RK "Atameken" Gani Kasimov, was awarded to the Chair of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, the President of the United Associations of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region Baniyamin Fayzulin. Kasymov noted active public work in protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs in the region.

A member of the Regional Council, the general director of "Tamas" Askar Pusurmanov, deputy director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs on Legal Affairs, Regional representative of the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Kanat Kabdiev, Head of the unit on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and reduction of administrative barriers of RCE Adlet Sultanbek, experts of department on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and reduction of administrative barriers of RCE Diaz Otashbaev and Duman Kerimbayev were awarded by the Honorary Diploma of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" for professionalism, loyalty to the chosen case, the most important contribution to the strengthening of the business community and socio-economic development of Kazakhstan. Members of the Council Alexander Hilnichenko Rustam Khakimov, Kairat Manlikov, Kulyanda Batyrbekova, Zhanatbek Sargaldakov and the staff of the Chamber - Head of Administrative Unit Daniyar Dzheksembekov, IT Specialist Azamat Yusupov and the expert of the department on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and reduction of administrative barriers Duman Kerimbayev, Director of Eskeldi district Aben Tayzhanov, Director of the branch in the town of Tekeli Turysbek Zhumadilov, director of Koksu district Marat Bakiyev and director of the branch in Karatal district Marat Kusainov received the letter of merit of the Regional Council for active citizenship and personal contribution to the development of the business community. In addition, Director of IE "Bashenov" Kasenkhan Bashenov was awarded with a letter  of merit (IE works since '97 and currently employs more than 100 people) for active business position. Confectionery "Tuttі" produces 20 kinds of products and sells bakery products throughout the region) and Director of IE "Lad" Agatha Lee (Shops, cafes and restaurants under the trademark "Lad" became a brand of Karatal district. "Saud Үzdіgі" was held in Shymkent, the businesswoman was awarded with the title "Uzdik basshy" at the national contest).

Rimma Salykova thanked Karatal district leadership for the active support of entrepreneurship, handed akim Kairat Bisembaev a special statuette Business Women's Association of Almaty region "Caravan of 25 good deeds". The prize is awarded for a major contribution to the development of women's entrepreneurship.

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