
Who won "Chevrolet"?

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More than 27 thousand Kazakhstani residents took part in the campaign "Ask for a check - win a prize!", which was conducted by the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" from 1st of October to 15th of December of the current year in the republic.

Kazakhstani residents sent during this time through a mobile application Wipon 1.5 million fiscal checks to the SRC. For two and a half months of the campaign, more than 120 awards, including household and office equipment, communications equipment and utensils were awarded to winners throughout the country. The largest number of checks were sent by the residents of South Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan regions and Almaty city.

 The main prize - a car Chevrolet Aveo won a logistics officer of JSC "Kazakhtelecom" Ravil Khairullin from Petropavlovsk. Certificate for 100 thousand KZT and 300 thousand Tenge won the residents of Almaty and South Kazakhstan regions.

"The initial impact of the campaign is expressed in the following performance indicators for public revenue authorities: The number of individual entrepreneurs, put on the account is more than 10 thousand, the number of cash machines, which were further put on the account - 9.4 thousand, the number of revealed facts issuing control checks of cash machines that do not meet the requirements of the tax laws, more than 56 thousand.

I would like to express my gratitude and on behalf of our committee, and the employees of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" for the support of the campaign, citizens that took an active part in carrying out the campaign, as well as taxpayers who conscientiously fulfill their tax obligations", - said chairman of SRC ArdakTengebaev.

He recalled that the head of state since the establishment of the tax authority set the clear course for the fight against the shadow economy.

"Everyone knows that the main purpose of the shadow economy is the evasion of taxes. The main component of the fight against the shadow economy - is to build a system of tax administration, which would allow to prevent, as well as to track those who evade taxes, - said Tengebaev. - Large-scale work is carried out on a wide spread among the citizens of monetary calculations culture where the customer requires a receipt for the goods sold and services rendered. As you know, on 1st of October we started the campaign "ask for a check - win a prize!". Our campaign is primarily aimed at protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, as well as ensuring equal application of tax legislation by all tax payers".

 In turn, Deputy Chairman of NCE Murat Abenov noted that "Atameken" is interested in the development of fair business.

"The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs supports all campaigns aimed at transparency of the economy, fair business practices, so that all parties: buyers - our citizens, the tax authorities and the business community, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs began to work together, and the business itself is now interested that all financial procedures are transparent.

We support it, we are ready to participate in it. I think it is primarily a partnership, because we are actually interested in close cooperation", - he said.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE noted that during the campaign, many entrepreneurs have received tax advice.

"I think this event has allowed us to build an even better relationship of trust between the business and the tax authorities. I think many businesses have received good consultations. Many changes we see if there were some kind of violation, in the course of this campaign, they were corrected. In the future, irrespective of whether or not the campaign is carried out, individuals and businesses must support it. I think "ask for a check and win a prize!" should always be for us the basic rule of life. Not only the prize today, but, in general, if each of us will require a check, the prize for us is our economic development ", - said Abenov. – The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs supports such a partnership, such a campaign, offering a prize - a car "Chevrolet".

It is not from the staff of the National Chamber,  it is from our business representatives have collected money to support this campaign, suggesting that winners will become the most active buyers, who in the future will be an example for everyone else. We are always ready to participate in such activities".

"This prize is from all business structures of Kazakhstan", - said Murat Abenov.

To determine the winner was used a computer program, which picks up a winner by random selection. This event is held for the second year. Last year, the owner of the car has become an employee of the Department of Emergency Situations of East Kazakhstan region. The following year, the campaign will continue.

Zhanbolat Mamyshev


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