
Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva: "It is important to hear the voice of rural business"

- Almaty Region
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One of the outcomes of the work of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region in 2016was the creation of the Council of Entrepreneurs at the district and town branches of RCE. They are composed of well-known businessmen of villages and districts. The main goal of the Councils – is enhancement of the role and activity of rural entrepreneurs. In 2017, RCE will continue work in this direction.

More about this and other results and plans for this year tells the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva.

- Lyazzat Altynbekovna tell us what was the year 2016 for the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region and the regional business as a whole?

- For our branch every year is difficult, 2016 was informative and fruitful in its own way. The number of appeals of entrepreneurs has increased, on the one hand, we are encouraged, as it proves that we are gradually gaining the trust of business. On the other hand, it is an indication that the business is still in difficulty, there are many unresolved issues.

Despite the existing development institutions, support tools, some authorities do not fulfill their functions properly, which results in gaps in the sector. And it's not only about the human factor, but also the barriers in the legislation, which have to be eliminated. Nevertheless, the domestic business, regardless of the internal market and external economic changes, does not lose heart, but continues to build, and to find new ways for development. This, perhaps, is the beauty of entrepreneurship.

In late 2013, beginning of 2014 it was difficult, it was necessary not only to tell about the Chamber, but also to prove its worthiness. Three years later, it became easier to work. Because everyone knows "Atameken" now. And this is great merit of NCE’s management. Today, everyone who addressed to the Chamber, are satisfied with the help and support that we provide. Perhaps this is the main achievement - to hear words of gratitude.

- What are the results of the Chamber's activity in figures?

- This year, within the line of the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs were registered 319 complaints, of which 70% are solved positively in favor of entrepreneurs, totaling more than 744 million tenge.

In just three years, we have defended the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in the amount of more than 1 billion tenge. Experts of the Chamber participated in 155 trials, of which 108 decisions handed down in favor of business. For example, in 2016, we have defended the interests of the two poultry farms and rescued them from 30 millon tenge penalty. The competition authority has accused them of price fixing. Interestingly, in this case, two district courts made two different decisions. The court of first instance refused was, but we have reached the Supreme Court, where a public authority proved to be wrong.

In another case, the Chamber has helped to restore the entrepreneur illegally seized land. The local city administration breached the law and illegally "took possession" of land with total area of 769 hectares, and even managed to sell it to another person. After intervention of the Chamber and the Prosecutor's Office the entrepreneur’s rights were regained.

The big role in such matters belongs to the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and the Regional Council.

One of the most important projects for the Chamber is a regional map of development of business. Currently, there are 22 investment projects in the region. We have found funding for construction of a plant for the processing of fish products in the Panfilov district, which has no analogues in the region, as well as the construction of a sports complex in Taldykorgan and ethnic restaurants in the Zhambyl region. Our investment projects were presented in Beijing and the town of Chanshe within the framework of the 8th Fair of investment projects and 10th anniversary of the investment forum "Changsha - EU 2016". On the eve of Independence Day the projects of the regional map became participants of the fair of Kazakhstani producers “Made in Kazakhstan” and the Investment Fair of projects the Regional map of business development.

I would like to note that in 2016 the increase of the mineral extraction tax (MET) became an acute problem. Previously, due to a change in the law the rate of MET on groundwater has increased and amounted to 1 MCI for one cubic meter. But this amount was excessive for the recreation areas, the tax for entrepreneurs increased by several tens of millions, causing resentment and discontent of business. Therefore, we proposed to use 0.3-0.6% of the established rate of MET. After that, at a meeting of the working group on amendments to the Tax Code, the deputies of the Mazhilis supported the proposal for the establishment of a reduced MET rate for the health facilities. And it is also one of the achievements of the past year.

-  Almaty region is an agrarian region, more than 47 thousand farms are engaged in agriculture. What was done in 2016 to support agricultural producers?

- To solve the main problems of the farmers - marketing and sales of the product, walk away from small-scale sales in the past year, we continued advocacy for the creation of cooperatives. We regularly went to the fields and farms, meet with entrepreneurs, explained the benefits of the creation of cooperatives. Frankly, it was not easy, because people have not very good memories of the former Soviet cooperatives. However, our experts thoroughly explained the possibility of such consolidation and measures to support them, as a result entrepreneurs took the initiative in their own hands. 22 agricultural cooperatives were registered since the beginning of 2016, joint work in this direction continues. We help our cooperatives to establish cooperation with trading networks. For example, SEC "Ak-Ozek" started supply of onions to the supermarket chain of Novosibirsk, and in the summer we organized a meeting between the agricultural cooperatives and retailers of Almaty. As a result, retail chains have expressed interest in the purchase of meat, vegetables and fruit. SEC "Theodore" and the company “Golden Food” agreed to supply 60 tonnes of fruit and vegetables in 2017.

This year, we have successfully implemented a pilot micro-credit program of NCE "Atameken" - "Business regions". Through the investment fund "ALMEX", NCE "Atameken" and Akimat of Almaty region allocated 300 million tenge each. Loans are granted by the Fund of financial support of agriculture. In order to ensure transparency and the further successful implementation of the project, all applications of entrepreneurs were considered by the Credit Committee of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region, whose members are representatives of the business community in the region. We funded 87 projects on the funds of NCE. Since beet cultivation actively revived in our area, so the credit committee has identified this sector as a priority. According to preliminary data, our entrepreneurs have already beaten last year's bumper crop of sugar beets.

- Lyazzat Altynbekovna can you share plans for 2017?

- At the end of 2016 we have seen that it is not enough to cover all the district centers, we need to work actively in the rural districts. Therefore, we announced 2017 the Year of rural districts. Our main audience lives in rural areas and it needs the support. Businessmen in rural areas are not always aware of the latest changes in legislation, incentives and business support tools. Therefore, our goal – is to tell and to explain the information. It is important to hear the voice of rural businesses, so the district and city branches of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region one of the first created Councils of entrepreneurs, which included well-known businessmen among residents of villages and districts.

Creating the Council, we have sought to enhance the activity of entrepreneurs in the most remote areas, as well as their interaction with the local executive bodies.

This year we will also continue to strengthen the role of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and the Regional Council.

Of course, the professionalism of our employees plays a major role in achieving the goals and objectives. Over the years, the Chamber got very experienced staff, thanks to which we win litigation, successfully implement projects, create a comfortable business environment in the region. I think that today we are more than colleagues, we - a real family, the team, and this is also one of our greatest achievements. And I'm very proud!


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