
When the state is a business partner

- City of Almaty
7422 просмотров

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty is developing new public-private partnership projects

Private security agency is ready to invest more than a billion tenge in the security of Almaty schools. The concept of implementation of this idea has been developed and is currently under consideration of city Akimat. The Chamber of entrepreneurs escorts the project and monitors that all the rights of the security agency are observed, which will undertake the implementation, and the company has met all its obligations. Security agency is ready to take under protection 227 secondary schools and provide them with special equipment.

"This project – is a great example of public-private partnership. Akimat and security agency enter into an agreement on long-term cooperation. Private owner receives a guaranteed state order, and the local government save millions tenge of budget on expensive equipment. In this project, everyone wins and, most importantly, our children. It is important to know for every parent that their child is safe at school", - says the expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Kayrat Kassenov.

Another example of public-private partnership – is school playgrounds. Akimat has approved 3 projects, 4 more are now under consideration. Businessmen are ready to repair the school grounds and to provide all necessary. There will be new football field, artificial turf, lighting, bicycle and jogging paths, sports equipment. Students will study here during the school hours. During non- school hours - entrepreneurs will be able to attract private customers. Everyone will benefit from jogging and cycling paths.

"The program of public-private partnership, as a rule, interests those, who have a small start-up capital. The state can provide land, premises and even financial resources to projects with a social orientation. The Chamber of entrepreneurs is always ready to assist in the reduction of administrative barriers. For example, Akimat allocated several buildings for opening preschools facilities. All kindergartens, which were opened within PPP, are now working successfully", - said the expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Kayrat Kassenov.

All information on participation in projects of public-private partnerships is available at centers for servicing entrepreneurs. Since 2017 consultants will render two more new services, including support of PPP projects.


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