
Railway "window to Europe" for transit of Kyrgyz agricultural products

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"Atameken" reported about transit through the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation of 105 groups of Kyrgyz goods with 4 digit FEACN code of EAEU, which are subject to veterinary-sanitary control.

This was explained during a press conference at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", which was held with the participation of Vice Minister of Agriculture Gulmira Isayeva, President of JSC "KTZH - Freight" Oralkhan Kulakov, Vice-Chairman of the Board of NCE Dana Zhunusova and Vice-Chairman of the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan Olzhas Ausabaeva.

As it was explained by the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova, the aim of the press conference, first of all, it is the explanation for the regulatory act, which provides transit of Kyrgyz products under the control through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan following to the Russian Federation.

Department of Economic Integration of "Atameken" notes that due to non-compliance of the Kyrgyz system of ensuring veterinary safety requirements and regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union in the veterinary field, identified on the basis of inspections in 2015-2016 with the participation of representatives of member states of the Union and the EEC, the abolition of veterinary controls at the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border carries unacceptable risks for agriculture in Kazakhstan.

In addition, according to the information of the authorized body, in 2016 increased the cases of detection of infected Kyrgyz quarantine phytosanitary products in transit through Kazakhstan. In order to find a mutually acceptable solution for the transit of Kyrgyz agricultural products to Russia through Kazakhstan, the Joint Order "On approval of railway transit procedure for products subject to quarantine phyto-sanitary control and goods subject to veterinary and sanitary control on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, following to the Russian Federation from the Kyrgyz Republic" was approved.

"In accordance with that decision, which was offered by the Kazakh side, we offer control of transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation of all Kyrgyz products subject to the veterinary control and supervision, which is listed in the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union # 317 (dated by 18th of June 2010) with the exception of live farm animals. In total 112 groups (4-digit FEACN) of products subject to control are included in the Unified list today. Of these, the Kyrgyz side is already supplying to the southern regions of Kazakhstan and by transit to Russia 3 product categories (ready-made milk, fish and meat). Excluding live farm animals, which means that today we are increasing the list of allowed for transit goods of Kyrgyz origin, which are subject to veterinary and sanitary control, which will be 105 groups of goods", - said Gulmira Isayeva.

So, currently, according to the results of joint inspections of the competent authorities of the Member States of EAEU, 15 Kyrgyz enterprises have the ability to supply products to the Russian market, and 8 companies to the Kazakhstani market - to the southern regions, but only certain goods subject to veterinary inspection, for example, heat-treated milk products, finished food products and fish products. 121 batch of finished dairy products was supplied to Russia in 2016 and 939 batches to Kazakhstan.

It is worth noting that concerns about veterinary and phyto-sanitary safety of Kyrgyz products was previously discussed at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", on behalf of the domestic business. To a large extent this is due to the fact that Kazakhstan is an agricultural country, carrying out exports of livestock and crop production in the countries of EAEU, and to third countries. In the case of the entry of dangerous animal diseases, the country risks losing not only the achieved agricultural export performance, but also to lose the FMD free zone status without vaccination in 9 regions, as well as reputation of safe products on the international market.

However, according to Gulmira Isayeva, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan is working with colleagues of EAEU member states to conduct regular joint inspections to increase the list of Kyrgyz companies and the list of products which will be permitted for supply to the EAEU.

Olzhas Ausabaev, in turn, said that today the procedure was developed for rail transit of goods subject to veterinary control. "There was determined the route for the railway transport - the entrance to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Lugovoe ex) and entry to the territory of the Russian Federation (Iletsk Ex). Transit will be carried out in sealed wagons. Additionally, other traffic routes are being worked on", - he stated.

Representative KTZH Oralkhan Kulakov informed that on 10th of January "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" introduces uniform tariffs. "Yes, it is transit traffic, but they will be carried out by a uniform tariff. This means reduction of tariffs 2.83 times in relation to rail transport from Kyrgyzstan. What will give a big impetus for the transportation through Kazakhstan. I think that all questions should withdraw now. Better conditions, probably no one could think of", - he said.

Dana Zhunusova stressed that the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs is actively involved in all integration issues that relate to the WTO and the EAEU. "Given that Kyrgyzstan is joining after formation of the union, very loyal requirements were suggested to it and were given the transitional provisions in many ways. These technical regulations, the unified railway tariff, that is, roughly speaking, the cuts and savings for Kyrgyz entrepreneurs", - she noted.

However, Dana Zhunusova noted that, knowing what the consequences may carry a premature withdrawal of veterinary control in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan should strictly perform all the activities, which are set out in the Treaty on the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the EAEU.

"This is a normal action for each country within the Union - the security and safe epizootic situation in the country. This is to protect the interests of national business and the health of the nation. In this regard, on behalf of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs want to note that this order absolutely does not infringe the rights of entrepreneurs, as it is planned to develop soon the draft document regulating the procedure for the transit of the above products by road transport ", - said Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of "Atameken".



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