
Rural business needs support

- Aktobe Region
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The Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs summed up the results of the activities of district branches for 2016

During the meeting with the heads of 13 regional branches the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Nurlybek Mukanov noted the achievements in the field of agriculture business, and shortcomings in the work of the branches.

Among the leaders were named Alga, Martuk and Kobda Districts. Last has finished the year with the indicator of 66%, and this means that 6 out of 9 applications were resolved in favor of the entrepreneurs, 14 appeals were registeed in Martuk, 10 of which have been successfully resolved. A positive example of Alga district was recorded in connection with the protection of property rights, namely, all 10 of the received appeals were considered in favor of entrepreneurs with the total amount of protected property rights in the amount of 3,614,676 tenge.

Total for 2016 regional branches for protection of entrepreneurs' rights line 70 applications were reviewed, of which 57 decided positively (81%).

 As the analysis has showed, the bulk of complaints and appeals are on the structural subdivisions of local executive bodies in the sphere of land relations, architecture and urban planning, management of consumer protection, state revenue authorities, as well as in the field of public procurement.

In addition to summarizing, there were discussed plans for the main directions in the new year, in particular, there were raised questions about public procurement, aid for entrepreneurs, support of local producers.

They were talking about the creation of cooperatives, in particular, it was proposed to establish contacts with businessmen in agriculture, to focus on the quality and promotion of manufactured products by cooperatives.

They also discussed the issues of training seminars in the districts. According to directors of regional branches of RCE, entrepreneurs need to attend business seminars to improve the performance of their businesses in order to profit and to get higher revenue.

RCE conducts active work on the implementation of the Roadmap of dual training. For example, 97 contracts were concluded in the region, and 1507 participants were accepted into the project. 89 companies participated in total, which include 23 regional colleges. As it was noted by the Head of Human Capital Development of RCE Damel Kunanova question to ensure staff at the village – is very sharp, and it must be solved with the entrepreneurs. "It is necessary to conduct work-orientation at least twice a month for the graduates of the senior classes in rural areas to achieve the best results", - she noted. In turn, the director of the regional branches expressed the need for the introduction of short courses and the creation of small-size groups.


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