
Association of tourism was created in the region

- Aktobe Region
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The organization aims to become a bridge between travel agencies and state bodies

"The question of creating an association of tourism is long overdue. This organization will combine to create the conditions for effective work of the enterprises of hotel and tourist infrastructure in the Aktobe region. We will participate in the development of tourism and small business programs, reward the best talent the industry ", - said the expert of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Bauyrzhan Darkulov.

The main objective of the Association of Tourism is to create a dialogue between the travel agencies and local government bodies. This is a convenient platform for events, research, educational programs, workshops, etc.

Representatives of travel companies of Aktobe region willingly voted for the creation of an association that will protect their legitimate interests, represent the interests at various bodies and promote the tourism product on the world stage. The will be created the club of tourists, which will carry out various themed activities.

The main mission of the Association - is implementation of effective activity in all branches of the tourism sector and promotion of an attractive image of the Aktobe region in the country and abroad.

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