
Nursultan Nazarbayev: "We need to increase the proportion of businesses in the country's economy"

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Measures of state support of entrepreneurship must ensure input on the part of business community, the President said during the meeting with the leadership of NCE

Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev and the Chairman of the Board Ablay Myrzakhmetov informed the President on the results of the National Chamber for 2016, the development of business community in the, as well as plans for the upcoming period.

The President of Kazakhstan noted that the Government is constantly engaged in purposeful work on business support. "On the basis of systematic work is carried out work on timely introduction of changes to the legislation, reduction of the number of inspection organizations, scheduled inspections are canceled. Entrepreneurs are actively involved in the legislative process, which should help to increase business’s share in GDP of the country", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

As it was stated by the President, the measures taken by the state for the development of entrepreneurship in the country must provide adequate feedback from the business community. "Business should respond to care attention and support of the state. It is necessary to work on the permanent involvement of citizens in the sphere of business, increasing its share in the national economy", - said the President of Kazakhstan.

As it was stated by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE, Timur Kulibayev, "Atameken" is represented in all regions and has the ability to support business at the district level. According to the head of NCE, the Chamber's 5 strategic priorities: protection of the rights and lawful interests of business entities; improving the business environment; ensuring the availability of finance, infrastructure and markets; human capital development; service support of business. Certain results were achieved in all areas. 65 percent of systemic problems of business are resolved. During 2016 the National Chamber has examined 4930 drafts of RLAs, of which 57 are concepts to draft laws, 83 draft laws, 2338 Government regulations, orders of the government agencies. We are successfully implementing micro-credit program for SMEs with a focus on the development of agriculture. The dual education is actively implemented nationwide. Within the line of service support for existing, the assistance was provided to 43,397 entrepreneurs, who received 57,697. In order to comply with the instructions of the Head of State on reduction of the proportion of state’s involvement in the economy to 15% by 2020, there were sold 364 organizations in the amount of 88 billion tenge. The process has not yet gained sufficient pace. Timur Kulibayev said that the main reason for the delay of the privatization process is the issue of access to finances, which is solved by the Government, financial institutions and relevant state agencies.

Within the framework of the priorities for 2016, the huge work was done on the simplification of export-import operations, the development of pre-trial dispute resolution mechanisms. The Law of RK, dated by 30th of November 2016 "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on issues of taxation and customs administration" provides rules on the revision of appeal settlement of tax and customs disputes.

According to NCE "Atameken", the share of small and medium-sized businesses currently accounts for 25% of GDP, and employs more than 3 million people. In 2016 it produced goods to 11.2 trillion tenge, which is 6% more than in 2015. "Together with the General Prosecutor's Office, deputies of the Parliament are working on the revision of the sanitary-epidemiological requirements in the various fields of activity of small and medium business", - informed Ablay Myrzakhmetov. He also added that he carried out by the instruction of the Head of State the audit work in the sphere of permits and inspection and enforcement, which has allowed significantly to cut permits and to achieve the abolition of scheduled inspections.

In addition, the leadership of the National Chamber reported to the Head of State on the establishment of mobile services for the optimization and efficiency of domestic entrepreneurs. There were excluded norms on the review by the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance the complaints of businessmen on the notification about the findings of the audit. There were introduced rules on review of businessmen’s complaints on the notification, regarding the results of inspection by the Appeals Commission, established under the Ministry of Finance. There were changed the terms of the suspension and extension of a complaint in connection with the need to work out answers to questions, a thematic inspection of materials, preparation and compilation of materials for the Board of Appeal.

In 2017, NCE within 10 business development steps will continue the work begun last year on improving the business climate in the country, thus significantly increasing business activity in Kazakhstan.

Following the meeting the President of Kazakhstan noted the good work of NCE "Atameken", as well as well-adjusted, constructive work with the government and state agencies, and gave a number of specific instructions.


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