
Important first step

- North-Kazakhstan Region
8812 просмотров

Actions of Akzhar branch on attraction of residents of the region to entrepreneurial activities has brought the results

Thus, placement of the article in the newspaper "Akzhar news"about the hospitality business of Buketaev’s became an reason for Damel Kaliyeva also to apply to Akzhar Business Support Center for advice on the possible opening of a business. The budding businesswoman chose the program "Roadmap of Employment - 2020" from the existing state programs.

After gathering the necessary documents, the consultants of Business Support Center provided legal assistance to the novice entrepreneur in the acquisition of an unfinished building, which can accommodate sawmill production unit. In May 2016, D. Kaliyev passed training courses within the project "Business Advisor".

The consultants supported the business ideas of the budding entrepreneur up to the process of application to the North-Kazakhstan branch of the Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture. The result of the joint work of consultants and entrepreneurs has been the allocation of the loan in the amount of 3 million tenge for the treatment of lumber.

Today SP DK Kaliyeva made restoration of the premises, has delivered the necessary equipment and materials. It has commenced production of sought-after lumber in the village: eaves boards, fence, floor boards, etc. It should be noted that the products are in great demand among residents of the region. In turn, SP D.K. Kaliyeva strictly monitors the value and quality of products.

The branch of the Chamber of Akzhar region, supporting entrepreneurial initiative, proposed Damel Kaliyeva use the new  state program of 2017"Yrys" for the breeding of cattle for meat and dairy purposes. Preliminary work in this direction has already begun. The main thing is that the project is well designed with all the opportunities and potential financial and economic difficulties that could complicate its implementation.

The entrepreneur is very optimistic. "Meat - milk products of cattle are always in demand and, consequently, sales are always provided. With the support BSC at all stages of a business project, now I can look forward with confidence", - shared her opinion on the work of the branch of the Chamber D. Kaliyeva.


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