
If there are no vacancies, then there is no need to report

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Employers do not need to submit reports to the employment centers, if they have no vacancies

The department of development of small and medium-sized businesses of NCE "Atameken" explained that, according to information of the called back then the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission of information on demanded occupations and job vacancies by employers is provided by the first form of the order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 1st of June 2016 # 532 "on approval of forms of administrative records for the submission of information on demanded occupations and job vacancies for inclusion in the database of current vacancies and projected jobs".

The form "1" is submitted by employers into the employment centers upon availability (of vacancies) within 3 working days from the date of occurrence of vacancies. Therefore, if there are no vacancies, this information is not submitted, the submission of reports with the information "-" or "0" is not required.

The second form (1-forecast ) of the order stipulates presentation by the employers of information on demanded occupations for projected jobs (not later than 1st of April and 1st of October each year). According to the law, this measure allows employers to participate in the implementation of state policy in the sphere of employment.

With regard to liability, according to the Law of RK "On Employment" on 6th of April 2016, the employer is obliged to send to the center of employment data on the availability of jobs (vacancy) within three working days from the date of their appearance, indicating the working conditions and payment.

The responsibility for the failure of that provision is defined in Article 98 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by July 5, 2014 "On Administrative Offences" and provides for the punishment of a fine of 10 MCI.

The form "1 - Forecast" is presented upon availability of information about the need for workers and specialists. Submission of reports with information "-" or "0" is also not required.

Information on these forms is submitted by employers directly to employment centers and the electronic form is not provided yet.

In view of the above, the submission of information, according to the Order applies to all employers of labor relations at the event, and regardless of the legal form.


In accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by November 23, 2015, the employer – is a natural or legal person with whom the employee has an employment relationship.

In turn, according to the Labor Code, labor relations are the relations between an employer and an employee, arising from the exercise of the rights and obligations stipulated by the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, agreements, employment, collective agreements, acts of the employer.

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