
Statement of the Head of State on the Annual Address to the people of Kazakhstan

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Dear people of Kazakhstan!

Tomorrow will be published my annual Address to people of Kazakhstan. Under current legislation the President has the right to present the Address orally or in written form. This year, I chose the second option.
This strategic document will set out a vision of the country on development at the new stage.

For a quarter century, we have implemented two modernizations.
The first - is the creation of an entirely new state on the principles of a market economy.
The second - is implementation of the Strategy-2030 and the formation of the capital of our country - Astana.

Kazakhstan has developed rapidly and become one of the 50 most successful countries.
A radical change of technological way in the modern world requires a transition to a new model of economic growth.
So my Address to the people will be dedicated to the third modernization of Kazakhstan.

Our task – is the country's global competitiveness in a new reality.
The basis of our actions – the Nation Plan for implementation of the five institutional reforms.
One of the key priorities of the Third modernization will become accelerated technological innovation of economy.

This means the creation of new promising sectors on the basis of digital technologies.
It is crucial expansion of the business environment and improving conditions for the mass business.
For this it is necessary to minimize state involvement in the economy.
It is necessary to reduce all possible costs for businesses and to develop public-private partnership.

Among the units of future growth of patterns – is agriculture, transport and logistics.
I will separately write about the development of the housing market and the measures of its state support.
Education, health, social protection remain our priorities.

Macroeconomic policy also requires modernization.
Government was instructed to develop a strategic plan for development until 2025 for the third modernization of the country under the name "National Technology Initiative of Kazakhstan" as a response to the challenges. The Government has serious goals and objectives, for which all the necessary resources and capabilities are available.

All this will ensure the sustainability of economic growth in the long term.
The draft of political modernization of the state was recently published.
Both initiatives complement each other and serve as long-term goals of the country.

The only way we can achieve the main objectives of the Strategy-2050 - Kazakhstan's joining the 30 most developed countries of the world.
These are briefly the key areas of technological modernization of Kazakhstan.
I am confident that the people of Kazakhstan will support the proposed measures for the future development and prosperity of the country.
I wish you all success in your important work.

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