
"Atameken" encourages business to participate in the discussion of the amendments to the Administrative Code

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On 7th of February 2017 NCE "Atameken" jointly by the Ministry of Justice conducts public hearings to discuss the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences
The event will be attended by representatives of accredited associations of private entrepreneurs, interested state bodies, deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament, scientists.

The main purpose of this event is to discuss the provisions of the draft law "On amendments and additions to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offences", aimed at the humanization of its provisions, which represent the interests of citizens and business representatives.
It's no secret that every day citizens and business representatives face particular challenges in the decision of issues in the area of administrative regulation.

Today you have the opportunity to participate in the discussion of the draft and make suggestions for improving the current legislation on administrative law.
In this regard, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs plans to hold discussions with citizens and representatives of business a draft law "On amendments and additions to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses", which was developed by the Ministry of Justice, as well as the existing problematic issues associated with the instability of the current Code, the inclusion in the Code of the provisions on exemption from administrative responsibility at insignificance of the offense and the issues related to the statute of limitations.

Issues, which are designated for discussion, are relevant for every citizen and business representatives. "Atameken" is ready to discuss these issues and to provide event participants the opportunity to express their views on the resolution of existing problems. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs urges not to stand aside and to contribute to the legislative regulation of these issues.



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